Meenachis who use social media are bad news - macha logic

Now, machas are regressing and deteriorating even more, launching into the depths of double standards and sexist - they are saying don’t trust girls who use WhatsApp and Facebook.
Like seriously. These machas and their mentality need a veple adi (exorcism). Their regressive mindset needs to be exorcised out of them by Kannammaa therapy.
I wonder if these machas know that one of the engineers behind Facebook is Ruchi Sanghvi, an Indian woman. Really, these Malaysian Indians are lagging in gender equality issues.
Social medias are a platform to connect to people to people and if you think meenachis who use WhatsApp and Facebook are bad news, then don’t add them and chat with them.
Really, these type of machas will send women back to the kitchen and confine them within the 4 walls. What? You want Indian women to be technologically dumb?
If there is anyone who have serious trust issues, it’s machas. You will add 100s of meenachis on Facebook and pester them for their WhatsApp number but it is meenachis who have such social media accounts who are not trustable. You on the other hand, ayating multiple meenachis at one time are very trustable.
If you think meenachis using social media is an indicative of character abomination then just kill yourself. You’re dead weight to the world and should be left out of existence.
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