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How to text a girl - tips for Tamil guys

So, to a post that asked Tamil guys to update their set of chat questions to girls online, particularly, “For me??” question asked when Tamil girls answer the question of “Saptiya” with the answer “Sapten,” guys said that they don’t know better and that only they know how to difficult it is to find ‘concept’ to chat with girls.

First of all guys, try to look at girls as friend material not fuck material. Secondly, don’t perpetuate victim blaming when girls come up with inbox harassment complaints, saying it’s their fault for replying. How the f do you expect girls to reply when you blame and shame them for replying? Anyway, here are some tips how not to sound like desperate, boring and monotonous guys that girls rather avoid than reply:
  1. Don’t text a girl immediately after she accepts your friend request and ask her qs like, where you are from, studying or working? Especially the dreaded Intro pls. Go through her About and then message her like 2 days later.
  2. Instead of asking “Hi, hw r u, wt dng’ (the short forms are crazy!)or gush, “U r hot and sexiy’, just say, ‘Hey, u seem like an interesting person.” Keep it neutral and not valiyuran – especially at first chat.
  3. If she doesn’t reply, move on with your life. Don’t pester. Don’t abuse. Specifically don’t say, “If you won’t chat, why you accept my friend request? Chances are high that dozens of guys are messaging her, she’s busy with work or she simply doesn’t want to get in trouble. You say girls accept friend requests from random guys only to get likes for their pictures. If so, don’t send random girls friend requests or like their pictures. But you comment, “Hi” on the comment section of their pictures after giving <3 reaction. What’s up with that? 
  4. Don’t make yourself always available. Put scene that you are busy although you are lying on bed wearing lungi and baniyan, the only work you’re doing is scratching your head. When asking enna panra put a bit-u of what you are doing, “BTW, I’m working on a project yaar, so difficult to do. I need to submit it on Monday, yadda, yadda.” Most guys chat like they are doing interview, bombard with questions, bad move, boring to death – put input on what’s going on with you too and she will too eventually. 
  5. You can ask saptiya and enna sapta but please not the for me thing. Reciprocate by telling her what you had. Imagine 12 guys asking you the same question ensuing with for me? You could ask whether the food is bought or homemade, if bought, which restaurant, do you frequent that restaurant, what do you think about cooking. This is how you get to know a person, not by asking ‘for me??’
  6. Be cool. Have a laidback attitude. Say Hi, not Hiiiiiiiiiiiii. And, don’t voice/video call without asking her if she would agree to that. If she doesn’t, don’t ask why, pester her to do em or ask again and again. Respect her stand.
  7. Ask what her ambitions are/what kind of music is her thing/which movie she watched recently etc rather than asking her if she has a bf, when marriage, did she have love failure and shit like that.
  8. Don’t ‘dear’ her. It’s annoying. She’s not your dear. She has a name. Call her by her name. 
  9. If she says Good night or bye or laters, simply say Okay, see you around then. Don’t ask ‘Y bye, where you going, y later?’ Avasarama kakkoos ku pogha vendi irukkum – adhellam sollanuma? If good night is said, it means she wants to retire for the day. I get this a lot, I say good night, the guy says good night and then texts again, “Hii”. Don’t.
  10. Understand that a girl is a human being just like you. And, she can’t be available to chat when you are free. Let girls be. Be chill around them. Be busy upgrading your life. Things will fall in place.

Better still, don’t chat at all. Let your FB posts speak to the girls. Really, that’s a much, much better way of communication because after commenting, you have an idea of how the person is and you will have substance to chat. Whatever you choose, do apply these tips when chatting with girls. Hopefully, they help you guys.

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