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A girl can go work abroad just like a guy - treat us equally

The following is a story of a KK female follower

I really wanted to write something about this as this has been bothering me for a long time now. I am a 26 year old girl who has completed CA and was working with one of the biggest audit firms in the world till last year. I then decided that I wanted to move abroad as it has been my passion to live and work abroad from the time I was in school. So after I quit my jobs and decided go forward with my decision, I happened to meet people I know (my age and old aunties and uncles) at social gatherings.

The following will be the dialogue which happens.

after usual pleasantries

Aunty/Uncle/My age ppl : So what are you doing now? Working somewhere?

Me: I was working till last year, now I am awaiting my VISA to move to xxx country

Aunty/Uncle/My age ppl: Oh very nice! So you are at home now? How long will it take for you to get the VISA?

Me: Hopefully by this month I will get it and by next month I will leave.

Aunty/Uncle/My age ppl: So did you get a job there already?

Me: No I do not have a job offer yet, I am searching from here or once I get my VISA I will go there and search.

some judgemental look from them

Aunty/Uncle/My age ppl: So why you wanted to move there?

Me: Cuz it has always been my passion to travel and work abroad.

Judgemental or trying to gather what you are saying kind of look

Aunty/Uncle/My age ppl: If you really wanted to go there why don’t you get married to a guy who is already settled there?!

My brain- WTF!!

Me: No, I really wanted to do this on my own, you know be independent and all.

Aunty/Uncle/My age ppl: So your parents said yes for you to go? How did they?

Me: They are not very okay obviously, but they just want me to be happy

Conversation with my age ppl ends here

Conversation continues with aunties and uncles

Aunty/Uncle : Appo if you go there we have to look for a guy who is settled there for your marriage ah?

Me 😗 SCREAM LOUDLY* SAY ITS NOT YOUR JOB TO FIND ME A GUY I smile and respond “ let me first go and settle down and then I will think about marriage”

More judgemental look, followed by which they turn to my mom or dad

Aunty/Uncle: How are you letting her go like this?

Mom/Dad : She really wants to do this so what can we do? (Sheepish grin)

Shake of head by Uncle/Aunty and conversation ends

Moral of this:

1.       An independent girl no matter how well educated should not go abroad on her own and establish her life unless she gets married and goes as a dependent (not against ppl going in dependent visas, just my feeling)
2.       This kind of a girl is weird and so are her parents to let her go ahead with such a mission

My questions:?

What is your problem? Really? Your money, your “dabbu” am I using?!
One more question: if this was the decision of a boy ,so many qns will not be asked.. he will be patted on the shoulder
When will they start treating us equally?! God this is so irritating!

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