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Sexual Harassment Cases - Why women shy away from making reports?

Amla Paul was an exception when she daringly made a police report on sexual solicitation from unknown VIPs. Many Indian women globally have tolerated sexual harassment or indecent proposals in their line of work as well for generations. Many would either try to avoid the harasser or change their job/workplace to avoid further aggression. What occurs is that the aggressor just moves on to another woman to harass and the cycle never ends.

What happens when a woman files for sexual harassment against men?

a) Her career/job is questioned
- if she is an actress then, well what's new? It's not like she is not used to such invitation or harassment (some comments that we read online in regards to Amla's case. Note how the society normalizes that an actress deserves to be harassed simply because she is doing her job as an actress?)

b) Her character is questioned
- again, she is an actress and she mingles closely with other actors on screen. So that makes her a slut/whore? What do you call actors who mingle closely with other women on screen? Do you call them male slut/whore too? This is not even relevant to the issue here which is sexual harassment.

c) Her background/personal life is questioned
- Amla divorced her husband and many blamed that she deserves to be harassed because she doesn't know the value of having a husband. i have no words for such comments - really, how stupid can you be? So if she divorces her husband, she is a vile woman who deserves ill-treatment?

d) Her dressings are questioned
- Amla was also blamed for the way she dressed up when she came over to Malaysia for a particular concert. So, her not covering up warrants sexual harassment? Her wearing short skirt or revealing dresses warrants sexual solicitation by itchy, asshole men? Her showing off her assets is an invitation for indecent proposals? Where do men get all these screwed up ideas?

e) Her upbringing/family is questioned
- Her upbringing was questioned including how her parents brought her up. Again - not relevant to the main issue which is sexual harassment.

If an actress/celebrity has to face such accusations simply because she made a police report, imagine what an ordinary woman will have to go through to file sexual harassment cases? 

Stop sidetracking - address the issue as it is. Stop making sexual harassment cases involving women as dress issues, career issues, personal life issues, family upbringing or character issues.

We have yet to move from this shallow mentality of victim blaming while allowing the culprits scoot free. Salute to Amla Paul for her brave move and we hope many actresses will follow heed so that it will put a stop to such cases in the near future. A good example for many Indian women out there. 

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