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Falling in Love and Being Rejected

This is a personal story and happened like a few years back. Before I go further into the story, I need to come clear on myself. I am a quiet girl and at work, I am the kind of girl you would want in your team because I will give my all to complete the work given. So, for years, my career has been a priority and well, I was single at that time. So, unexpectedly I met a guy and actually fell in love with him. You see, it took me some time to even realize that I have fallen in love with this guy and started having feelings for him.

Although I have always had a dominant personality, it was hard for me to convey my feelings to this guy. One reasons because I have had very less experiences being in relationship with guys. So, after so much of provocation from a close friend, I got her to tell him how I felt. As expected, he turned me down, saying that he was already in a relationship. Heartbroken - I just maintained my distance and continued my work. I am that sensible that I don't allow heartbreaks to disturb my workflow. After almost two years,  I told the guy straight away that I still have feelings for him - to which of course, he kept quiet. And, it doesn't seem like he was having a relationship with anyone - except maybe his own fantasy. 

Well, things didn't go further but I find his rejection arguments very peculiar. He said 'I am influenced by Tamil movies and that my love is so like Tamil movie'. I was baffled because here I am, a 30 years old adult and so is he but he keeps on saying that my expression of love is like Tamil movie. I would accept this if both of us were still in school but we were both working adults. So, what's wrong with me having feelings for him and expressing it to him? If my expression of love is so tamil movie, what will he say when he falls in love and expresses it to another girl? Will he call his own love as tamil movie influenced? Or will he say his feelings are pure and true? Why is this double standard categorization when it a girl expresses her love and a guy expresses his love? It is okay to say that you are not interested, but to label it as Tamil movie influenced love - well, WTF? When exactly would you say - it is not tamil movie love? When you are 80 years old?

I was more baffled than angry because I really couldn't comprehend his arguments, despite him being an educated professional. Talking to him is like talking to a child because he seems to be stuck with this notion that a woman expressing love to him is equal to Tamil movie. His definition of love seemed to be circling around Tamil movies and he can't seem to look beyond that.  But, I have decided to chalk it down to him being an asshole and a jerk - hence, the stupid argument. Sometimes, I wonder why I bother with such Indian guys. You fall for average guys and they are fucking shallow, you fall for educated ones, they are also equally shallow - sigh........


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