Bareback saree jacket in temples

Well, well, well, apparently a temple in JB prohibited women from wearing bareback sari jackets. Because apparently, such dresses defile the sanctity of temples. The rule was applauded by the whole of Indian society - a major chunk of them.
Well, I'd like to ask, why don't these people change the dress code of the female Hindu statuses first? Do they even know the purpose of such scantily clad female statues at temples in the first place? It is for men, ancient Indian men to overcome their carnal desires and leave it at the threshold of the temple. So that they may enter the temple with thoughts purely for worship and dedication to god. So that nothing will distract them. It is a test which examines willpower and create an ambient of acceptance and respect. And, by deciding how women should dress now, you're depriving men of self control and dedication to god.
Why do you go to temples? To pray or see how women are dressed and then moral police them? You think your latter conduct elevates you in the eyes of god? You think it will clean your sins and make you attain moksha? You will agree that the Malay Muslim motorist who rebuked the Indian girl in the car for eating in the fasting month has flimsy self control and doesn't know how to resist temptations and is trying to alter the environment so that he might not be tempted but what ARE YOU NOW? Are you any different than the Muslim motorist?
Ancient Indians were scantily clad - the stomach area is depicted to be the source of creativity so must be exposed. An old video that shows Madurai in the 1930s shows many women walking around, being about their daily grind, blouseless, their back fully exposed - the sort like Radha was in in Mudhal Mariyadhai. No men were harassing the scantily clad women save looking at them. We claim to be a modern and civil society but as for me, the men in the video were lightyears ahead in social behaviorism compared to the machas of today, blaming women for their lack of civility.
You will fap furiously at porn and then behave like a holier than thou, righteous prick when you get the chance. The purpose of religion is to control yourself. But, you always want to control others, especially women. Why don't you start by controlling yourself? Why don't you quit telling women 'how they should be" and polish your temptation resistance? Why don't you leave women alone? Who put Indian and Hindu culture on women? Actually, covering up is not Indian culture; it's Victorian. The British taught the Indians they colonized to wear stitched clothing.
Keep doing this and one day, our society will end up like Afghanistan society. And no, neither rape or sexual harassment will decrease if Indian women wear burga - female children would look tempting. So there, regression in the near horizon. Hope is dwindling. Temples can be used as community service centers to uplift the Indian Hindu community and open doors for race integration activities but we prefer restricting women's dressing in the temples. Nalla varuvingge da!
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