Benevolent sexism - how sexism is manipulated into making women succumb to sexism

When double standards, contained in sexist establishments is questioned by women, men are now showing benevolence.
A macha said on why machas discourage women from smoking and drinking is due to pasam and nesam (platonic love) and care. That they worry that women will have alcohol consumption induced illnesses like liver cirrhosis, problems during pregnancy and compromise of their safety. While meenachis are visibly touched by the thoughtfulness of machas who don’t condemn women who drink and smoke but rather advise them not to drink/smoke due to the problems women face when they drink and smoke, we’re neither convinced nor compelled - it’s not like only women face problems when they drink and smoke, men do too. In fact men face more problems like fighting after getting inebriated especially in our community but up till now, no macha advised fellow machas not to drink as they will face problems that is not limited to health but our reputation as a community, why? If machas are teetotalers then they can advise anyone, not only women not to drink but not with Black Label in one hand because then, your advice really rings not only hollow but also sexist. If you wanna give advice about the ill effects of drinking and smoking, give it to everyone who does it, like doctors and oncologists, not to only women and then claim it’s due to care when it’s only ‘pombele pombeleya irukanum’ (a woman should be like a woman) shit. I know now you will ask ‘men can get drunk and sleep on road, can women?’ Is sleeping on road after getting drunk something manly to do? Is it an accomplishment, sleeping on road after getting drunk for machas to challenge meenachis on whether they can do it? Drinking and smoking isn’t good yes but you make it look like it’s not good for only meenachis while it’s just the same or even worse for machas in the name of Dutch courage.
Then dressing, apparently machas are telling meenachis to dress modestly to prevent sexual harassment. Ok, now, contrary to popular belief, men can be sexually harassed as well and why I don’t see machas advising machas to dress properly so that they won’t be harassed? See, quit telling victims that their dress is the cause why sexual harassment happened to them. It’s never the dress’ fault - only the harassers’ fault.
Quit benevolent sexism. Anyone wanting to smoke or drink are just exercising their rights - meenachis are educated and they know what they’re doing so machas, please keep your sexist unsolicited advice to yourself. Better yet, give that advice to yourself especially when you yourself drink and smoke. Instead of telling women to dress modestly to avoid rape, tell them to learn martial arts and kick the ass of their aggressor; the latter is what that actually works.
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