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Calling parents kelevan (old man), kelevi (old woman) - ungrateful Indian grown up children

It’s all too common now, or even casual to dismiss our parents of not knowing better than us, hence outdated and defunct. We go about, insulting their age or ailments that come with age like deafness and forgetfulness. All too conveniently, we address them as old man and old woman who are irrelevant in this age of modernity. And therein lies ingratitude and unappreciative gestures from the grown up children.

I personally detest this type of address to Indian parents - yes, they got old but it’s only because you sucked the youth out of them. Your father’s shoulders slouched because he carried you on them so that you can reach great heights in life. Your mother’s breasts sagged because she fed you life giving elixir from them. All that only to have you call them old when you grow taller and accomplish in life which wouldn’t have been possible if they weren’t there.

If your parents don’t know stuff like using the washing machine, computer or smartphone, fucking teach them instead of calling them old. It’s not like old dogs can’t learn new tricks. Sit with your parents, play indoor games with them, talk to them, tell them what’s happening in the world, that US is in the brink of getting a female president, the conflict in Syria, etc, etc, instead of pushing them out mentally in the name of old age. If you do what I suggested with your parents, it will actually reverse ageing and keep them alert and mentally strong. Your parents taught you stuff when you were younger and now it’s your turn. Trust me, parents love it when their children teach them things. Appanukku bothanai sonne Kartikeya (The son who enlightened his father - Kartikeya.) That is what Indians should do for their parents instead of plainly relegating them as ‘old’.

Your youth won’t last forever - you too will get old and when your children call you kelevan or kelevi then you’ll understand the pain. Thala kal puriyama adathinge. (Don’t be reckless).

~Sarcastic Sarossa~ #OnlyAtKK

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