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Of myths on vagina tightening surgery and medical facts about the vagina

KK doesn't put it on itself to talk about sex all the time like how many Indian males portray it to be. I mean, guys can create degrading memes about a girl's vagina and if girls strike back with facts, it's talking about sex all the time and such girls are such sex crazed bitches? What about you who wantonly create such memes? Pope John Paul?

We've been receiving complaints on Facebook from those Indian girls who have commented on KK counter posts to such idiotic memes - these guys been harassing them just because they posted comments on KK on how a vagina works. See, these guys' ego is so flimsy, they need to establish their 'virility' using their own imagination on how a vagina, once penetrated, changed into a loose one forever - they can't take it when medical facts are shoved at their faces, preferring to dwell on self concocted, half baked notions that are not validated by the scientific facts on the female anatomy.

When this was posted, the ensuing question from Indian males was 'Then, why the fuck there is vagina tightening surgery?

What these cretins fail to realize is that vagina tightening surgery or vagina rejuvenation is just a fad like whitening creams - in fact it's a hoax perpetuated by myths and egoistic males who swear that they can detect whether a girl is a virgin or not - masuk pandrevenukke teriyatha? (Don't the guy who penetrates know the sensation?) Mannanggati. (Bullshit) 

These days, it's very easy to dupe people and shrewd people see the opportunity to make money from ignorance of the masses. A decade ago, there was no such thing as vagina tightening surgery and the vagina springs back to its original state after intercourse and after pushing out a baby - to this day, that veracity hasn't changed. But, today, there is so much myths regarding the vagina and all of it serves to swell up the male ego-libido and degrade and shame females for purportedly sleeping around and lying about it.

Vagina tightening surgery in actuality does nothing outstanding - it's just a confidence booster that doesn't work like Fair & Lovely. In fact it is a big time money and time waste. More importantly, it has ghastly side effects (just like breasts implants) which is eloquently described in this article of Women's Health News. Within the article there are medical facts quoted by Wall Street Journal blog and reputed gynaecologists. What do you have, Indian guys who say why is there vagina tightening surgery if the vagina doesn't get loose after sex? Give me one credible proof to support your claim - guarantee from esthetic doctors don't count just like the claim eating the testes of tiger will increase your libido. If vagina rejuvenation/tightening is so bad then why are they on the market? It's all about marketing that's not based on any science.

A tight vagina indicates that it's not ready for intercourse - if proceeded then, it will be painful for the woman and she might bleed. The blood isn't the hymen rupturing - it's due to lacerations to the extremely delicate vaginal tissue. Rape victims suffer from that.

The vagina does get lax with age, low estrogen levels and multiple childbirths but not due to too much sex like Indian men suggest via their memes like below. Men are free to create memes like these but if girls counter it, we're sluts - guys will inbox us to salvage whatever is left of their ego punched until black and blue. If you had kept your hands to yourself and make the effort to educate yourself on correct information and not cushion your penis associated ego facts then I won't be creating the counter meme and writing this.

This video blasting a vagina tightening gel ad from India deserves all the doubts in the world, from what potentially harmful chemicals it contains, to Indian societal habits of condemning women aren't virgins while it's normal for men to not be virgins to whether it works.

All this fuss on the puss is due to patriarchy - it has that only men should enjoy sex, hence a lax vagina is a huge turnoff. The day Indian women start making fun of your Indian penis size is the day you are going to feel the burn guys - don't think you are the only ones who are entitled to enjoy sex and that you deserve a virgin wife when you make frequent trips to Bangkok's red light areas. Smart up or shut up.

~Pattu Mamee~ #OnlyAtKK


  1. Hymenorrhaphy or hymen reproduction medical procedure is the impermanent careful rebuilding of the hymen. The term originates from the Greek words hymen signifying "layer", and raphḗ signifying "suture". It is otherwise called hymenoplasty, albeit carefully this term would likewise incorporate hymenotomy. click here to learn more about the Vaginal Tightening - What Are The Options?


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