Female rape – What did women do to stop female rape?

This question has been thrown at us so many times that we think it’s time to actually provide a proper answer to it. Of course, we don’t expect stupid bokenas to comprehend what we wrote here but we shall try to make them understand. Here is the situation - men rape women and then give all kind of excuses for raping them (this ranges from lust,kama unarchi, sexy dresses and the list is endless)…Funny part – when women actually voice out their opinions on rape related issues, the same bokenas will turn the tables and ask – what did you achieve by voicing out your opinions? Did you solve female rape cases? What did you do to stop female rape?
First of all, why is this question being asked to women? True, women are involved in most of the atrocious rapes that have been reported in the news but women are the victims. They are not the perpetrators. What exactly do you expect a woman to do to stop their rape? Dress in a arasi mootai (rice sack)? We have already cleared the fact that dressing doesn’t determine whether a woman will be raped or not? Then, what? Women should stop going clubbing and getting drunk? Lock herself inside her house? But Jisha who has been brutally raped, had her intestines pulled out and stabbed 30 times with blunt objects while being inside her own home when the rapist/murderer assaulted her. So, there goes your stupid argument macha – on women shouldn’t go clubbing to stop rape. What else that a woman does induces rape? In Indonesia, the dead body of a young girl (19 years old) was dragged out of the cemetery and was cruelly raped. Yenda, ponethe kude vittu vekkematinggela? (you guys don’t even leave a dead body alone). It’s called necrophilia. So, tell us? How the white shroud that is wrapped around a dead body is sexy until it induces rape? And, the lyrics that go - 3 peiyum semma figure (3 female ghosts are nice chicks) If it’s possible, perhaps female ghosts will be raped, that’s what the lyrics suggest really. It’s shameful la macha.
Female rape occurs when men lose their judgement and ability to think rationally. Female rape occurs when men decide to give in to their animal instincts rather than being human. Female rape occurs when men are under the influences of drugs and alcohol. Rape occurs when men think they can escape after physically violating someone weaker than them. Rape occurs when men pick on children/babies/elders as a way to satisfy their sexual needs. Female rape occurs when men indulge in porn watching and self-masturbation. Their desire for excitement increases over time that they take it out on women. Female rape occurs when men want to make headstrong women submissive - we KK admins are subtly threatened with rape - kathara, kathara poduvom (will do until they weep) vechi, vechi seiyuvom (we’ll keep and do over and over again) Who’s guilty here?
So, if there is someone who should stop female rape – it is MEN themselves. MEN should take responsibilities in addressing rape incidents instead of deflecting and blaming everyone but themselves for female rape. Men should learn to control their so called ‘lust’/sexual feelings and stop giving dumb f***k excuses on why such feelings can’t be controlled. Men should stop blaming women for female rape and acknowledge that they cause rape and stop raping - then, only rape incidents can be stopped. Nothing women or anyone can do to make rape prophylactic, the rapists gotta decide not to rape.
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