Women being labelled as Prey and Kama Unarchi

First of all, let us make this very clear to all bokenas out there – prey is a term used to describe an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food. So, we are extremely baffled with some idiots out there who labelled woman as prey. Do you hunt and kill women for food? Like seriously, learn some proper English words. On the other hand, thesemachas might actually think that women are born as preys to men. So, they go on thinking that it’s their male entitlement to drool over, salivate, heckle and tease women. They even go to the extent of dictating what a woman should and should not wear.
Then, they go on describing how men have ‘kama unarchi’ (sexual/lustful feelings) and how such feelings should not be provoked as it can be disastrous to women themselves. Here, we are astounded with the level of dimness that machas display on this topic. Even a Philips light bulb has brighter spark than these machas. Machas are free to have feelings and then they can go about lashing out those feelings to any random women in the form of physical violation. Then, they can claim – Hey, she was dressed revealingly so I can’t control my ‘kama unarchi’. Finally, when people like us open a page and expose the shitty mentality of these machas – they turn back and ask us – what did you do to reduce rape?
First of all, all humans have lustful feelings and this includes both men and women, not just men. So, quit talking like it’s your f****ing birth right to feel horny or lustful. Some bokena even elaborated on how men experience ‘kama unarchi’ and lost control due to weak mind – leading to rape. This is the lamest excuse that any human being can give. Weak of mind justifies raping other people’s grandmother, mother, daughter and baby? Such machas continuously harp on how meenachis should ‘iluthi pothikunum’ (covered up) so that these machas won’t be provoked. However, nothing can change an animal with a mind dominated with lustful feelings – these machas can’t be bothered whether a woman is sexily dressed or covered up. For all we know, such machas probably spent time jerking off while watching porn movies or porn stars online. For a macha who already got himself worked up with porn pics, if an opportunity is present, then they will indulge in rape. Yet they conveniently turn around and say – women are at fault for not covering up. How else to deflect the blame and pretend to be helpless isn’t it?
Excuses like kama unarchi is another example of how the Indian society allows men to escape despite committing grievous mistakes. Women are labelled as temptress when in reality it is the machas’ 3rd grade mentality that needs to be corrected. There are countries in the world with less rape incidents. Don’t these countries have men living in them and women dressing up sexily? How is it that men in these countries don’t go around raping women? Don’t they as men have lust and sexual feelings too? It basically comes down to self-control and respect. Men in these countries know how to treat a woman and they don’t get excited at how women are dressed. Bokena machas on the other hand – are weak minded human beings, with weaker English vocabulary that they end up labelling women as prey and worst mentality as they blame a woman’s dressing sense for rape incidents. These machas will even get excited if they see a skirt tied to a tree. That is how pathetic they are and these machas really need some rehabilitation of their mind and perspective.
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