Machas and Bra-Straps

Ok, we have heard many meenachis complaining that machas get all excited when they see meenachis’ bra strap showing. Or in the case where meenachi wears a blouse revealing her bra straps, machas will start calling out or making indecent remarks about it.
A girl will start wearing bra when her breasts starts developing. This is the same case with all ladies out there including macha’s mothers, sisters, aunties, grandma and etc. So, it is a common knowledge that ladies wear bra. As common as machas wear underwear. Recent fashion and style allows ladies to wear colourful bras with the straps removable. In fact, straps can be changed from normal straps, to clear plastic straps to one which is decorated with sequins, beads and other accessories to compliment the blouse/attire. Now, problem here is when meenachis show off their bra straps, voluntarily or involuntarily. Machas go out of their way to tell these meenachis that they shouldn’t be showing their bra straps. Some machas even go ‘dei, angge paaru da – unnaku teritha da? Ennaku terithu – blue color (Dei, can you see it, I can see it – blue color (referring to the bra strap colour). Of course, such remarks will be made so loud so that everyone in the vicinity can hear it. Yenda, ippadi kumuthe kaaathan maari nadanthukuringge? (Why are you behaving like some caveman?)
There is nothing wrong with the bra strap showing especially if it designed to show – the ones with decorated sequins and beads. We are not sure why machas quickly get all worked up and excited on petty issues which are not even issues in the first place. Girls of any other races wearing clothes with revealing bra straps, machas will be quiet. In fact, they won’t even bother with it. Meenachis post photos on social media with bra strap showing, machas go ape shit, giving her warnings to remove the photo. We had to repeat this numerous times – stop dictating girls on what they should wear and should not wear. Bra –straps are nothing but straps shown on the shoulder. It is the same as wearing singlets or sleeveless T-shirts. It is not like showing off one’s bra strap makes her breasts visible? But, of course, machas have to be over imaginative and over react on it.
A tamil movie scene comes to mind where the hero tells the heroine that her bra strap is showing. No, nope – it is not romantic, please!! Leave the meenachis alone. Machas – it is not your duty to police meenachis or their bra straps. They know exactly how to dress themselves. Machas, all you have to do is mind your own f***ing business. You don’t have to look at meenachis whose bra straps are showing. You don’t have to make make a remark or scene out of it. And yes, stop talking about culture and shit – because if you really care about Indian culture, you wouldn’t be wearing jeans that is two sizes bigger, worn lower than your hips and shows off your dark, hairy butt crack.
Dear meenachis, ignore those karats who make it their life objectives to talk or make fun of girls who wear attire, showing off their bra straps. These are shallow minded creatures, who have nothing better to do than to focus on women’s attire. You girls, dress is you feel fit and make sure you can carry it off. We know meenachis who wear tight attire but they are not comfortable in it that they keep tugging at their blouse to cover their low cut jeans. At the end of the day, make sure you are comfortable with what you are wearing. If you are going feel all self-conscious about it, then don’t bother pulling that fashion off.
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