Meenachis Giving Much Importance to Physical Looks

Dear Meenachis, there is nothing wrong in wanting yourself to look beautiful and have most of your friends on social media (Facebook, Instagram etc) singing praises of your beauty. However, you need to realize exactly what kind of damage and danger that you are placing yourself in. Physical beauty is secondary to skills, intelligences and talents. So, you need to know what is more important in your life and physical beauty is not everything.
Meenachis spend hundreds just to buy accessories, make up kits, lotions and contact lenses. They deck themselves up to look like models in magazines. They pluck their eyebrows religiously even if it hurts like hell. Some even go for monthly body waxing because they suffer from excessive hair problem. This does not include the constant need to change and maintain your hairstyle. Okay, here you need to question yourself – what is your aim in doing all this? To look stunning? Why? Are you doing a job that lies solely on your looks – like modelling, stewardess or beauty queen? If not, then you need to know that you are giving way much priority and financial investment on your looks. If it’s just for the purpose of taking photos from different angle and uploading it on social media, girl – you are inviting unwanted attention from creepy crawlies out there.
Being beautiful makes you feel good but if your intention is to attract a potential boyfriend or husband with your looks – then you are cheating yourself. Do you want a guy who falls for your looks alone? A guy who fell for your looks can dump you the moment he spots another beautiful meenachi out there. Is that what you want? Does it make you feel good/better that a guy has fallen for your beauty alone? You will be attracting stalkers and karat machas whose sole intention is to get intimate with you. Once, they have got what they wanted, they will walk away……Of course, you may not realize this until it’s too late. The world today seems to thrive on superficial values such as physical beauty and women especially are spending thousands of dollars to achieve current beauty trends. We have yet to reach the point where meenachis opt for plastic surgery but we will be there soon if everyone is so damn obsessed with looking like runway models.
Some meenachis go for the ‘white’ bleached skin look by applying cream and lotions on their faces. Such creams are rampantly sold and endorsed by various parties. Please do bear in mind that all cosmetics regardless of brand will give you adverse effect after prolonged exposure. Skin bleaching interferes with your pigmentation and as you get older – it may induce skin related diseases. Plus, if your husband/boyfriend is used to see you decked up like ‘Barbie doll’ all the time, then you may have to maintain the same look throughout your life. Ask yourself whether you will be able to go through the same routine for your entire life to maintain your physical looks with the help of cosmetics?
The best way is to opt for minimum make up and go easy on the foundation powder if you have a darker skin tone. There is nothing more disturbing than to see a meenachi who has dark skinned legs, arms and neck but white face – all decked with inches of foundation powder. Initially, foundation powders were created to cover flaws on face – pimples, acne marks, scars etc. Now, it is being used as a second skin and many meenachis are over doing it. You are beautiful as you are in your dark skin. We know many asshole machas may have called you with numerous labels indicating that your skin is dark. However, you need to remember that you are not looking forward to attract assholes as potential boyfriend or husbands. You want a gentleman who loves you for your character and attitude. Spending tonnes of money on books, gym and acquiring skills are much better and those skills that you acquire will stay with you forever. Remember, looks alone does not define one’s worth as the fountain of beauty is a receding one with time.
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