Machas claim - we will look at Chinese girls lustfully when they wear sexy, do Indian girls want us to look at them in the same way?

Before we write further, we would like to clarify that not all guys are with this mentality. Only some lazy, extremely stupid and perverted, karat machas have such mentality and they even go to the length of justifying it. These are the same idiots who claimed that rape is a right. They said that they will ogle at Chinese girls with lustful look (kama parvai) if the girls were wearing short, revealing dresses. They then asked whether Indian girls would like the same ‘kama parvai’ given to them for wearing short skirts and pants.
It is a girl’s right to dress whichever way that she sees fit. Of course, this is regardless of what race, religion, country or state she is. But these shitty machas think it is okay to ogle at girls of other races. For them, girls of other races are fair game like what they have stated in their page - Chinese girls sexy ah irundha , Rasippom, but adhu Kaama Paarvaiyile. Ungalaiyum apdi Rasikanuma sollu? (If Chinese girls are sexy, we will enjoy but in a lustful way. Do you want us to look at you lustfully too?) Meluat tau aku baca nie. Your mentality is indescribably disgusting.
If you think girls of other races can be ogled at, then men from other races can ogle Indian girls. If you think it is okay to rape girls of other races, then guys of other races can rape Indian girls too. What if that girl happens to be your sister, mother, girlfriend or wife and she was raped by a guy of another race? See how stupid your logic is macha? Kebodohan level maximum. What you do unto others, it will be returned to you in the near future.
In fact, two days ago an Indian girl who was an employee with 7/11 was kidnapped and raped by 5 guys. Four of them were Indian guys. So, ithe engga poi soldrathu? (Where to complain this?) The reason why such rape cases occur is because of machas like Kanthasamy who think ogling at women is okay if they are skimpily dressed. The girl was going to work at 7.10 am in the morning, wearing her uniform. Was the 7/11 uniform sexy enough to warrant rape? Nope, but four indian guys raped her nevertheless. And this happened because shitty machas like you guys who insist that rape is right – male entitlement. And you find ways to justify the act by saying that rape occurs due to clothing of the victim. There is only one category and that’s ‘BODOH MACHA’ category where low lives like you guys sit and justify how rape occurs due to clothing.
You ogle at women of other races with ‘kama parvai’ and then you physically violate any lone walking girl because your ‘kama parvai’ has gone to your dick. Any man who thinks that meting out selective sexual treatment to women simply because they are of other race is corrupted in the mind. If you think no guys should ogle your sister but it is okay for you to disturb the ‘amoi’ who walks alone - correction, you don’t dare to disturb girls of other races because then, siap la, kena siang kulit. But if you say you will ogle at women of other races who are scantily clad then ask the women of your own race whether you’d like to be ogled that way then you are a sick bastard. What if the Malay guys say, “I will look lustfully at every pretty Indian girl and if possible, rape them’ like you say you will look lustfully at Chinese girls? Aren’t you even ashamed of yourself macha? Women are women immaterial of race and dressing and you should bloody learn to respect all women no matter they wear burqa or bikini or Chinese or Indian..
Machas like ‘Kanthasamy admins’ should never be allowed to breed as their stupidity is contagious. They should be castrated simply for being stupid, ribald, lewd, suggestive and ignorant. Women are not playthings or products that you can use and discard. Indian men in general must be taught on how to respect women without judging their clothing or dresses. There are Chinese amois following KK and let’s see how they react to your “we’ll look lustfully at Chinese amoi wearing skimpy dresses” claim.” You just royally shamed ALL INDIAN MEN, WITH YOUR CLAIM! ARE YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF?? Dear meenachis, kindly tag your Chinese amoi friends in the comment section - let them see how disgusting these machas are
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