Meenachis and Their Status on FB

Dear meenachis, we are writing this article to warn you so that you will be extra careful with the status that you put on your wall. Please bear in mind that there are many idiots, karats, velei vetti illathe (jobless machas) and othavakaaren (useless guys) who are just waiting for an invitation, a phrase or a word that indicates that you are needy and desperate. The moment they see this, they quickly invite themselves to fill in the space, blank or void in your life. Remember, such machas basically don’t have anything to offer except their ‘true love’ and ‘manasu ‘(heart) . But, you know better what that means, don’t cha? Ok, so let’s look at what kind of status that will invite such machas your way.
Statuses such as ‘I am feeling lonely’, "i need a guy who love my inner beauty”, " i'm waiting for a man to love till end" and ‘where is my soulmate’ are basically invitations for karats to chat with you. See, you may have posted it innocently. Or you are just feeling depressed and down so you have uttered your feelings on FB. Little do you know, some karat macha who has no idea of improving himself in life, is just observing and waiting to prey upon your vulnerability. These machas will quickly chat you up, trying to land your heart. Of course, meenachis are way smarter than that to fall for machas’ kindergarden tricks. So, she cuts him off or refuses to chat with him. Guess what? Story doesn’t end there. Macha becomes disgruntled and starts posting status on his FB on how ladies claim lonely but they don’t want to ‘layan’ any rubbish machas who come along. (yes, yes perfectly tak sedar diri on his shortcomings).
Somehow machas get this impression that if a girl is lonely, she will accept any kuppan suppan who comes her way. She should never have expectations of the guy that she wants in her life. Here’s is one example of what machas think when meenachis never chat with them.
’but if we chat with you all... the reply you all giving is "im not in mood" , " k" , "i'm busy", " dont you have a work to do" or " pls stop annoying me i have enough problem".... the only things girls want from bottom of their heart is CHATTING WITH FAKE AARYA, SIMBHU, IMRAN KHAN, SALMAN KHAN, JUSTIN BIEBER OR PITBULL... BUT PLEASE REMEMBER WE ARE NOT FAKING OUR LIFE.’.
Wow, da – that’s so rich, coming from the very machas who judge meenachis based on their looks and skin color. Meenachi super figure – macha will be more than willing to chat with them. Meenachi physically not attractive – macha tells her off rudely. Wow da- superb. Meenachis are serious in life as well. They don’t want ‘tong sampah’ grade machas as their husbands. They want machas who are educated, employed and have good interpersonal skills like speaking good English. Given the level of education that meenachi has, there is nothing wrong with what she expects in her life partner. The only fault that she commits was to post an innocent status on FB and machas take it to mission impossible level.
For God Sake, you idiots – she said she is lonely not ‘ Any takers, I am desperate for a guy in my life’. The meenachi is probably feeling really down, warranting a status like that. Why would anyone with brains think she wants an instant fix in the form of a karat macha? She probably needs heaps of chocolates or other sweet items that will make her feel better. Not you – macha who annoys her continuously. Well, if a meenachi wants Arya, Surya or Vijay – that’s her wish. When fugly machas want Tamanna, Hansika or Nayan like girlfriends, what’s wrong with meenachis looking for guys who are physically appealing?
So, dear meenachis – please do be careful of the status that you post on FB or any social media. You want a guy who is highly qualified – you can find them at your workplace or circle or friends. FB is not the place to advertise for future husbands or potential boyfriends. There are cases where the karats have lied – they say they are Facebook Engineers, in reality they are just Vetti at home (jobless guys who have access to FB 24/7). Another karat wrote he is working at Microsoft as software engineer. In reality, he is just a guy who repairs laptops at home and nope, no affiliation with Microsoft. Bill Gates denies hiring this karat as one of his engineers. Due to so many fake karats with fake personal details, please avoid seeking potential mate on social media. If possible, interact with guys that you meet in real life, get to know them and their qualifications before getting married. Don’t project your neediness on FB with any careless statuses that may open opportunity to such karats. You know what will happen once these karats get started on why you don’t wanna chat with them.
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