Mythuri slash case - quit blaming the victim and telling girls that this is why they shouldn’t go enjoy in pubs

While the world is fast moving forward, Indian society moves backwards with a passion. And how we do it? Blame girls for unfortunate and inopportune incidents.
Now, we all know that Muthuri was just minding her job at the pub when the 6 craven guys armed with machetes descended on her with the intent to kill. Along with Mythuri, Mogan and Allen, also employees at the pub were attacked - Mogan died like Mythuri and Allen sustained griveous injuries. And this is not the first time Indians were involved in slashing in pubs. Machas who have baboons genes in them have made headlines for chopping each other over a stare - kurang ajar parve (uncouth look) contained in the catchphrase, kurang na parang tha. Why the fuck no one came up with such a meme advising machas who enjoy life in pubs to not to go to pubs because such dangers may befall them when in actuality more cases involve machas rather than meenachis? In fact, this is the first case that involves an Indian girl.
Now, don’t say this advice against girls going to pubs is for their own good. You are subtly encouraging acts of violence against women. What you are implying is not safety for women but impunity for their tormentors. If you have anything good to say in this case, condemn the act of cruelty to the hilt, not just on Mythuri because she’s a girl but also on Mogan and Allen. Senseless cruelty is contemptible no matter to whom it is subjected to. You say that you can’t predict that this will happen to us, this is one of the dangers of going to pubs and that our country is getting worse. You mean to say that to only girls? Did Mogan and Allen predict this and refrain from going/working at pubs because some macha will slash them over a stare? Why is our country getting worse? Not because girls are going to pubs. It’s because of wanton criminal acts which can happen anywhere to anyone due to malicious intent. Jisha was raped and killed at her own home. Infosys Swathi was hacked while going to work. No matter how much precaution a woman takes, if there are guys who want to harm her, she will be harmed. GET THAT INTO YOUR KNUCKLEHEADS.
Now, if you have any sensibility and common sense left, you won’t advice girls not to go to pubs based on this incident. You’d condemn this savagery and lobby that the perpetrators are swiftly & heavily punished. The girl was given an utmost punishment already - a life was snuffed out with the indifference of stomping on an ant. You don’t have to blame girls going to pubs as the reason for this crime as there is a motivation behind this, premeditated murder. If not at the pub, she would have been murdered elsewhere because those 6 guys want to kill her and will somehow do it. If she was slashed while walking on the road, going by your fucking inane logic, girls shouldn’t walk on roads as they can’t predict what will happen to them, this is one of the dangers of walking on road and our country is getting worse. Now do you see the stupidity? Quit shaming Mythuri for working at a pub. She was making an honest living, not thieving or robbing people like how gangster machas do!
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