Superficial Sympathies and Attention among Indian Society given to those who are physically attractive

We have in fact written an article on this formerly but somehow the attitude still continues among our Indian society. Even in death, individuals are judged on their physical beauty and appearances. It is easier to observe the outpouring sympathies and fake bleeding hearts for an individual that most people don’t even know personally. A recent suicide case is a stark proof of such shitty mentality among Indians. We have read countless comments that start with ‘She is beautiful…..’. Come on, people – what’s wrong with you guys? A life is lost and the first thing you want to remark is on the individual’s physical appearances? Some said that the recent suicide case garnered a lot of attention from the public simply because the victim was physically beautiful. We couldn’t agree less. It’s a stark reminder on how an individual is judged even in death – whether he or she is physically beautiful before people decide whether it is worthy to share the news and write sympathy comments.
So, if an individual is not physically beautiful, his or her life becomes less valuable? The loss is less worthy? We have come across comments such as ‘The world will miss you’ and ‘what a great loss’. There is life lost every single second around the world and what makes you think this one victim is special that the world will miss her?
A similar fake sympathy was shown when MH17 was shot down and 298 lives were gone just like that. 298 that include children and babies but our Indian society was focused on that one stewardess, Angelina Premila. Why? She was physically beautiful and the amount of fake sympathies flowing out on the social media is so puke inducing. And yes, the aunties – pavam azhaga irukka, chinne vayasule poitha (she is so beautiful but has a short life) WTF? So, if an individual is less beautiful by the Indian society’s standards, it is okay for him/her to be dead? What a retarded society.
Sometimes, we try to ignore the sheer level of stupidity and ignorance that some corners tend to show but it looks like the next generation is picking up the same negative attributes. Judging/not judging people based on physical looks. Giving people merits and attention based on looks. Anadita Patel, made a gaffe tweet, saying the late Muhammad Ali was a football player garnered almost 0 flak just because she’s physically attractive. Somehow, her lack of GK is compensated by her looks. In this regard, Indian society has an ugly face.
Do ask yourself whether you would like people to evaluate your physical beauty before sympathizing your death or mourning you when you are no longer around. Every life is precious, not only the life which was physically attractive - don’t put different values on something that is once gone, is forever gone.
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