Neelambari wants in a man debunked

When we debunked Padayappa’s ideals on how a woman should be, many went up in arms, defending Rajinikanth, failing to understand that in no way we were chiding the man, only what he read from a script and acted out which became a mantra for machas. So, we decided to dissect Neelambari’s attributes to make it even.
Neelambari said she fell in love with Padayappa after seeing his 5 faces.
No 1. Bravery
Bravery is not something reserved for men. Gone are the days where damsels in distress wait for their knight in shining armor to come save them. These days women are their own knights in shining armor. Air stewardess Neerja Bhanot took a hail of bullets to her body and saved 3 children. Pilot Amelia Earhart crossed the Atlantic Ocean solo. Captain Kristen Griest and Shaye Haver graduated from the gruelling ranger school. Sigourney Weaver and Michelle Rodriguez’s characters in Avatar, Dr Grace and Trudy are an embodiment of bravery. It’s okay if a man is afraid and if a woman is brave - Rajinikanth has admitted that he has a fear of snakes. Courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s the overcoming of fear. Fear and bravery are human attributes - you can’t gender label it. Even us, the admins of KK are bravely forging on despite grave disapproval and odium from machas and meenachis alike.
No 2. Anger/high dudgeon
Neelambari says that she liked Padayappa’s anger when he destroyed the illegal toddy brewing in the village. My question is, why wait for someone else to rise up in anger to confront wrongdoings? Neelambari is educated herself and she could have done something to stop the atrocity unfurling in her village. Why the fuck does she need to wait for a man to do something about it.? Very few Tamil movies portray powerful women but when they do, they cloak it with arrogance and relate their powerful ways to thimuru (callousness). From Mannan Vijayashanti to Thimuru Shriya Reddy all they portray in Tamil movies largely is that women who exude confidence and anger need to be subjugated. And nowhere this is more evident than what we KK admins go through - machas adamant on adakuraning (subduing) us. This is influenced by Tamil movies. Anger/righteous anger and ensuing actions should be understood as gender blind. Indians should understand that women are capable of high dudgeon as well and it’s not thimuru. It is self confidence and individuality, not men’s monopoly.
No. 3 Daringness
Again, daringness isn’t confined to men. Women can and should be daring as well and not be judged as pei, bajari, adangapidari and tharuthala pombele (she devil). Although Neelambari is an educated woman, she too seems to have a biased expectation that only men should be daring which is stupid.
No 4. Articulation
In Indian society, what males say have an upperhand. On KK itself, so many machas belittle our opinions and encapsulate as ‘penn butthi, pinn butthi’ (women are by default, shallow). They think Padayappa’s ideals for women are above reproach. When we gunned down those ideals, we were told, “Nallathu sonna yaaru kekringeh, penn butti pinn butti nu solluvangeleh, sariya than irukku.” (Who listens when good things are told. As the saying goes, women are by default, shallow). Then, those machas who dropout of school and join gangs are having astute forethoughts? Articulation is gender blind. Stop perceiving that whatever a man says and does is Gospel Truths while whatever a woman says or does is subject to flak by default.
No 5. Style
This is however people conceptualize style. Some girls like guys who wear jeans halfway down their butt and vice versa. It’s about preference.
Conclusively, Neelambari is plainly stupid. She wasted her whole life by wanting revenge and nursing it in solitude. She’s just like the guy from India who stalked a girl up to America for years and then thrown behind bars for his conduct. So here, both genders are capable of irrational cogitations and decisions. So know that love shouldn’t come for adakkam udakkam (submission) on behalf of girls and kovam, thunichal (anger, intrepid) on behalf of guys. Don’t see genders as black and white, see them as interchanging shades of grey. It’s not wrong for girls to have qualities that are deemed manly. It's in fact, desirable.
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