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Own-tages and Meenachis

Okay, no need long winded explanation – this is straight forward and one of the latest malaises among our Indians. We don’t think other races parade around with the own-tage word but Indian teenagers are so obsessed with it. First question, why would you wanted to be owned by someone – a girl or a boy? If you think that is so damn romantic and creates a sense of belonging, you are deceiving yourself. A boy saying to his gf, ‘you are mine’, is not romantic, it’s revolting and so wrong on so many levels.

Being owned by anyone is degrading and is a form of slavery - bondage. Of course, many might deny this by claiming true love and feelings but remember – in a relationship, both partners are equal. There is no such thing as one partner owning the other one. Nope, your boyfriend does not own you. You are not an object, a cow or a property to be owned. You’re a human being entitled to human rights. Apart from this owntage thing there is also property of ______ What do you find so romantic of being someone’s property. Daesh (IS) members say to their slaves, known as sabaya, ‘You are my property.” Of course maybe you’re too young to know that you’re objectifying yourselves girls but we are already in an extremely patriarchal society that treats women like 2nd class citizens so don’t make it worse by pointing to yourself as something to be owned or a property. Human owning is downright slavery - human traffickers say they own the people they traffic. This maybe news for you but this is the reality - objectifying yourself ain’t cool. No one owns you and neither you are a property meenachi sayang oi.

Please get over this sentimental own-tage word. Do you know how you are portraying yourself to the public online when you insert owntage on your profile name? You may attract the wrong crowd – there are men who love sexually slaving women and degrade them with humiliating treatments - please don’t be like 50 Shades of Grey Anastasia. So, think for a second the type of danger you are placing yourself in by this owntage phenomenon. Social media is great when you have so many likes and shares for your posts and pictures. You may feel addicted to the attention that the public lavishes on you – so cute, so beautiful but your own-tage status may get you creepy guys as well and your pic may end up in porn sites or vandi pages simply because of your owntage tags that imply that you’re ‘cheap and easy.’ Never downgrade your self worth just for some likes on social media - it’s a dangerous thing to do lovelies..

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