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Where are the real South Indian girls in South Indian films?

Look at the girls above closely. They are your next door girls, girls who study and work with you, girls who exist around you in daily life. But, they don't exist in the South Indian movies you watch. They are glaringly missing as leading heroines in South Indian films.

When these girls do exist in South Indian films, particularly Tamil films, they are used as the butts of jokes and for the hero & comedians to reject, who, are, many a time, as dark as the girls. Here is the scene from Gethu where Karunakaran rejects a dark girl who is Amy Jackson's friend.

And, here's the famous Sivaji The Boss comedy scene featuring Anggavai & Sanggavai who were unnecessarily painted black to give across the message how undesirable dark skinned girls are to even dark skinned guys.

It's really sad to see these scenes, especially the Sivaji The Boss one. While Rajini is exalted for having dark skin, the girls are shunned for the same reason - Sivaji cringes in disgust when Vivek asks whether Angavai & Sangavai are ok for him.

When dark skin is on Indian men, it's somehow desirable and once dark skin on men is pinpointed, by the fair skinned heroine, not even subtly mocked, all hell will break loose - elevated comparisons are made to make dark skin superior to fair skin. "Your colour is at the base of my foot. My color is on top of your head," or, "Dark is the true color of Dravidian race." But, when the same colour is on women, it is fit to be subtly mocked and overtly rejected.Dark skinned South Indian girls are used as the juxtaposing background and not in the foreground.

This is a shameful fact - how South Indian film directors cast North Indian girls, ignoring local talent. I don't understand why these directors need to import girls from Mumbai, Punjab and Delhi. Why can't they cast local actresses.

To exacerbate things, Indian film industry has a white lady playing Indian girl. All they do is put on brown contact lens in her blue eyes and poof, she's Indian. It's not only ridiculous but also sets the white skin standards in Indian girls up to an unrealistic level.

There is so much subtle discrimination and insinuation and so little public debate about it. Just wait and see, there will come guys denying this article to the hilt and accuse me of imagining things. 

~Assault Ambujam~ #OnlyAtKK


  1. Im totally agreed..love your article

  2. Can i share your post on my page (colorism_in_india) in Instagram with credits? Cause i think that this article is brilliant and should teach many people.


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