Why English is important

The biggest problem within the Indian society is the fact that there are many machas and meenachis who still ignore the importance of mastering English. No matter how many times this advice is given, machas and meenachis choose to be happy with their broken, shitty English rather than improving on it. Some even try to find an angle or excuse to not to learn English. In fact, few comments directed to us blamed us for not giving much importance to Tamil language. Dei, look at our fucking name and cover pic - they're both Tamil. We only preach what we practice in this language matter. We said learn your mother tongue, be it Tamil, Malayalam or any other sub-ethnic language. But, MASTER English as it is a global language. We didn’t say sacrifice your mother tongue to learn English. Then, there is such thing as ‘bodoh sombong’.
Many machas out there hold themselves too high and mighty that they can’t be bothered to improve on their broken English. For them, that broken English is fabulous enough as long as another karat macha can understand what they are communicating. To hell with others if they can’t understand what these machas are conveying, as long as another likeminded macha comprehends. Ippadi gundu sattiyil kuthirei othuna eppadi? (How long are you going to be stagnant with the same broken English) And their Tamil ain't fabulous either - both languages ke laut with Tamil being subverted. Everyone turns a blind eye to these machas just because they are male and these machas think that their ambala gethu (male ego) is enough to sustain them. I would like to see how they attend job interviews with their bad English and bodoh sombong attitude and see how their ambala gethu lands them a job. Dahlah malas, bodoh sombong pulak tu. Bodoh boleh ditunjuk ajar, bodoh sombong memang tak boleh nak tolong la
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