Why machas should go for intelligence, capacity, capability, independence and wit in their future partner rather than beauty

We humans pride ourselves for being able to discern something with a heightened sense that can be encapsulated as ‘more than what meets the eye’. Yet, when it comes to finding a partner, many machas, both successful and not so successful only want what meets the eye.
Many machas out there are only keen on trophy wives/gf. All they want is to show off their gf/wife to their friends to give an impression of how they managed to nab such a super model look alike - they want their friends to be green in envy or admire him to have been able to madakuran such a super figure. We’ve already written on meenachis giving too much importance to physical looks and why it’s not a good idea or a worthy investment.
Yes, it feels good macha, to have your friends saying ‘cha, you so lucky cha,’ ‘wow, super girl you got yourself,’ etc but eye candy is only good for the eye, not for many aspects that life accounts for. This is why you should look for a partner who is able to handle what life throws with great dexterity.
An intelligent girl will stimulate your mind and will make you learn things you never knew. She will be able to forward sensible and practical ideas that you can actually use to add quality to your life. She will correct your mistakes and blow you away with her knowledge and astuteness. Her observational skills will help you go the mile and take you to the right slots in life. Sexual attraction to intelligence is called sapiosexual.
Capacity and capability in a girl is more valuable than looks. She will have forethought and act sensibly. She won’t spend all her hard earned money to only look good, she will try to make life as you both know it, good, both the present and the future, applying financial prudence. She will have a drive to meet all her life goals and is in the constant lookout for opportunities, programs and events that she knows will be beneficial and augment her platform. She also knows that what is done in the present impacts the future so she treads where devils run. She updates herself with the current information and harnesses it for the collective benefits of your relationship. She operates with a plan for life instead of living life as it comes, devoid of any spur.
Independence is very important for a meenachi in this age. Although you may find your gf depending on you for stuff like picking her up from work, pay for dates and shopping endearing, trust me, it sours down the road as you got yourself a pretentious gold digger who is high maintenance. Yes, SK|| enna vele vikkum teriyuma? Change Destiny nu sollikuttu, it will strip your pocket out of change. (Do you know how extortionate the price of SK|| is?) you’d want a girl who won’t depend on you for everything - she should be world smart, able to drive long distance, knows where the best deals are, thrift, insists on doing Dutch and deals with her life by herself.
Lastly, wit is perhaps the sexiest attribute in a woman. She will be able to scintillate your mind with puns and jokes. There is no boring moment with her around.
Intelligence, capacity, capability, independence and wit have no expiry date - looks do. And besides, a woman with all the aspects listed will be youthful longer without the need to pile on layers of makeup.
60 years from now, when you’re a wrinkly old man and she a wrinkly old woman, think whether the compliments of your friends on her and you phone filtered photos of her will bring smile to your face or how she made your life meaningful and beautiful by her intelligence, capacity, capability, independence and wit will bring a smile to your face. Will you be able to love her after the makeup is no longer able to cover her wrinkles?
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