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How religious belief distorts menstruation and try to control women

The other day, I was caught up with an argument with a Hindu guy justifying the Hindu restriction of menstruating women being forbidden to enter temples.

To make a long story short, after I destroyed his argument on how women are given equality in Hinduism, whereby all auspicious rituals are given to women to be done. Right-u. But can a widow, a childless woman, an unmarried/divorced woman do these rituals? He went into krik, krik, krik cricket sound mode at my question.

Not wanting to be outdone, he then said, "Go to other religions' treatment of women then come back to Hinduism and see the importance given to women in Hinduism."

Hahaha, all religions are misogynistic. Judaism is the worst when it comes to menstruation restrictions and Sikhism is the most lax. BTW, you admitted that Hinduism isn't hunky dory, just a bit better than other religions in regards of the treatment of women - and who are you to give importance for women? Please don't. Leave us women alone and we'll find our way, you don't have to give us rights and importance. And just because other religion have it worse it doesn't make Hinduism the best.

Then he went back to his religion's restriction over menstruating women entering temples, that the blood will drop. When I introduced him to menstrual sanitation tech, he said he's speaking about his sisters who can't afford those products.

Guys, Indian guys, please shut up about a biological process that you don't even go through. Menstrual cups are the new pads - can be used for years, costs less than RM 10. In India there's pad revolution. In Malaysia, I think everyone can afford pads. and there are reusable, super absorbent cloth pads available both in Malaysia and India. They don't leak. We are not your sisters. We are women. Respect us as people. And, you don't see a trail of blood anywhere at women's doing in day to day life do you? What makes you think the blood will specifically drop in temples?

And then his true colours came out.

No, the uterus isn't the most important organ of my body - it can be removed and I can still live exactly like how you can have your nuts removed and still live. Kidney, liver, lungs are the ones that remove toxins from the body. If the womb cleanses toxins then how do men, who don't have wombs clean toxins? Biology epic fail. All the uterus discharges is endometrium tissue that you, as a blastocyst, embedded on. It's nutrient rich and provides padding for the embryo. That blood isn't toxin. It's just blood and tissue that made human evolution possible.

Then, this:


1. You don't know how much cheap, convenient and reusable sanitation tech has become - that female astronauts use. Women on periods go to school, work and do you see drops of blood anywhere?
2. You are fully ignorant about social science and basic biology - read science and not rely on your religion for knowledge.
3. Why the f is a human right to go wherever one wants is considered arrogance?
4. Your true colours and what your religion taught you are out now - females are allowed to do anything and society has to tolerate? Women are the other half of humanity and have a rightful place here. They are not lesser beings to be allowed or wretched creatures to be tolerated.

You're a misogynist prick that is also ignorant.

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