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Atheism isn't intellectual - it's an instinct and a survival skill

Everyone is born an atheist. Religion is indoctrinated and heavily depends on which religion your parents espouse and the region you're in. Also, you can switch religions. Atheism is a default state. If religion is meant to be then we would have religious emblems on us when we are born. We don't have such emblems. You can't convert into atheism simply because it's a state of being, not an ideology or indoctrination. This is evident in feral children - children who have had very limited human interaction.

Many theists go around saying that many people are wearing the atheist tag just to project themselves as intellectual. Nope. Atheism is innate in all of us. It's what that makes us survive.

If you study for exam, if you cook to eat, if you go to the hospital when you are sick to get treatment and if you stand up for your god and his words = ancient scriptures, you are an atheist coz you know, praying is going to do nothing for you - you gotta do something for you and even for your god, you have to do everything for god. That itself means you don't believe in god but in yourself. That's the barebones of atheism - it's not intellectual but survival.

No atheist in a foxhole? All atheists in a foxhole coz you know that if you don't hide in a foxhole, the bullets will hit you and no god can save you. You duck when someone throws a rock at you. You don't stand there, praying that god will change the trajectory of the flung rock away from you. You instinctively duck - that's atheism right there. Atheism is an instinct.

You don't even believe that your god (insert Allah, Jesus, Vishnu, etc) who you say created everything and protects us can defend himself when faced with those not believing. You take up the cause of defending the so called Almighty god. What are you if not an atheist? You don't believe that god can defend himself. That means you don't believe in god - you're just not conscious about it like declared atheists. If you do things to live on, you're an atheist. Plain and simple. God only serves as anxiety reliever and a comfort pillow for the uncertainty of life - a pacifier.

Conscious atheists don't blame god when things go wrong - they take responsibility for their actions. They don't do all kinds of atrocities and then bribe god to get a seat in heaven in the afterlife. They try to create heaven on earth for all. That's why predominantly atheist Nordic countries have the happiest people in the world, are safest nations on earth with a lot of gender equality tenets.

I love how people say keep your atheism to yourself. Now, a new argument that most people are keeping their religion personal and won't even discuss about it in public. Only atheists spread hate about religions that forces theists to talk it seems.

Okay, that's why there are so many FB pages like I love Christianity/Hinduism/ and religious websites ? And atheists professing atheism is the one making theists talk? Theists keep their religion as personal it seems. That's why Westboro church protested at Paul Snyder's funeral, Hindus kill Muslims for eating beef and Charlie Hebdo happened. Apostasy and proselytisation aren't a thing.

Yes, an atheist killed people in church - any extremism is bad, I accept that but will religions accept the atrocities done under their names? Religions have been butchering people since AD and y'all say that theists are peaceful people but a bunch of non believers discussing rational things are militant atheists.

But, guess what? Everyone is an atheist if they do all the stuff required to live on.

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