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Every man is a potential rapist just like how every woman is a potential gold digger

Dear women, if you are offended at the phrase, "Every woman is a potential gold digger," do the following:

1. Do not expect your date/boyfriend to pay for dates every time. You open your wallet and pay too - do Dutch or insist to pay up because everyone loves to be treated - it's not a woman's privilege or right to be treated. Guys, don't get insecure. If she wants to pay, you back off.

2. Don't only take, take, take and not give anything in return. Get him stuff too. Everyone loves gifts and surprises - they're not only for women.

3. Pay your own bills, shopping expenses and phone top up. His credit card is not yours to swipe.

4. When you see your girlfriends being showered with gifts by their boyfriends and they hardly returning the gestures, instead of saying, "Babes, you're so lucky!' call the lack of reciprocal out.

For all these to happen though, women need to be educated and enabled to earn so lobby for both guys. You don't get to get insecure when women make headway and then complain that women are such gold diggers. And, women, instead of crying foul about the phrase, take affirmative action to make it as defunct as the dodo.

Dear men, if you are offended at the phrase, "Every man is a potential rapist," do the following:

1. Don't say women are asking to be molested and raped by dressing in certain ways and being out at night, getting their drinks roofied. Say that women have the rights to dress to their liking and to occupy public space at anytime and that nothing is a cue to harass. Do nothing to an inebriated woman. Do nothing to women. Is doing nothing so hard?

2. Don't threaten to rape 'wayward women' so that they will know their place and stay there - KK admins got this rape threats and not even one man called that out - instead they got support that raping us will get us to shut up. But, you're offended at the phrase, "Every man is a potential rapist."

3. It's not enough for you to thump your chest that you will never rape a woman. When you hear locker room talk and be in guys only WhatsApp groups, call the shit talked there out, not laugh along an erection. Actively show that you won't rape and you won't tolerate any suggestions that say some women deserve rape for being aberrant to patriarchy's definition of rape proof conduct and behaviour.

4. Don't blame the victim. Blame the rapist. That way, you are stemming the crime and discouraging rape altogether because your full offence and anger are directed to the rapists and not the victims. This sends a strong message that if anyone rapes, they'll be in deep shit, that there will be no buttress for them and rapes will decrease. Don't instruct women on how not to get raped - quit your "Don't tell men not to rape. Teach women how to dress," if you don't want to be seen as a potential rapist. Call rape out as the crime it is - recognise rape as a gender neutral crime AND ALWAYS BLAME THE RAPISTS. Don't be rape apologists because it makes you look like a potential rapist.

 For all these to happen, you need to realize that your feelings are not the most important aspect in this situation - it's very uncomfortable I know and I am sorry dudes. If all it takes for you to not feel offended is for me to stop using the phrase "every man is a potential rapist" or “all men are potential rapists,” then I would argue that you do not really care about women and rape at all. Instead your ego is at the forefront and I find that horribly heartbreaking. Do your part actively - look at Norwegian men for example. Instead of crying foul at that phrase, take affirmative action and make it as defunct as a dodo.

P/S KK never said "All men rape." And, neither we have said that all men are potential rapists. I'll keep it very simple in regards of us, humans being capable of both good and bad - like Pluto, we have an angel and a devil in us. It's upon us on which one we feed, the angel or the devil.

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