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Why Indian feminists are stupid

Alright, if you’re the Indian national who can’t take anyone saying anything against India, you better stop reading right now.

As a non-Indian national running a feminist page inundated by Indian nationals, I think I have now understood why most Indian feminists are stupid. Plainly stupid. There are no two ways about it.

As a foreigner, a Malaysian, I am able to see this objectively – I have Indian roots y’ all so I think I got the best of both worlds here yo. I was wondering, why are Indian men so anti feminism – the wonder went on for two years. I learned about MRA and Deepika Narayan Bharadwaj, watched Deepika Padukone’s Vogue ad, witnessed the #NotAllMen outrage, inter alia and I think I got it figured out.

A new development in Malaysia initiated by the newly designated Deputy PM, a woman, has the focus on housewives being given Employer Provident Fund – the government will give RM50 monthly and the male provider of the house will provide 2% of their salary. This is to recognize the role of enablers that housewives take on, yes, including washing dishes that are not even acknowledged and worse, given below the belt treatment. Same goes to Iceland and the Nordic countries – they have laws that ensure equality and protection that are inclusive, there is paternity leave as long as maternity leave and male rape clinics. India is glaringly lacking in these feminist establishments. Instead, they go on a madhouse rampage:

1. Make a video that shows boys crying as not acceptable for boys. Me waits for the end message of letting boys cry, that crying is human and natural and healthy. Boom, climaxes in Madhuri Dixit saying, “We have taught our boys not to cry. It’s time to teach boys not to make women cry.” Are you out of your mind Indian feminists? It’s the bottled up emotions in boys that explode as violence not only against women but also against boys, animals and the public phone booth vandalizing. Normalize crying as human. That’s feminism.

2. Make a video of aborting male fetuses as the solution for rape in India. Dei, where you keep your brain ah? Reversing the oppression and abortion on men and male fetuses isn't feminism or equality. Eradicating any form of oppression is feminism and equality. If it hurts you when female fetuses are aborted, how can it not hurt you when a male fetus is aborted? Life is a life. Raise any child well and he/she will turn alright.

These are only 2 examples on the stupid feminism gripping India that makes Indian men declare that feminism is a hateful ideology. And, I see Indian feminism largely only revolving around sexual harassment of women and male disbelief of it.. Also, a false rape case and false dowry cases. Indian feminism is on perpetual revenge mode.

And these are contained in Indian culture moral policing and ineffective law enforcement. I know that there is a law protecting women from dowry torture which is misused by women, incriminating innocent men. I am like, “Ugaiz already have it in the constitution that dowry is unlawful. Enforce that law in full force, arresting the givers and askers of dowry. Why make another law for women???” 

Ignore the untrue/true/whataboutery statistics about false rape cases – it is the parents’ of the girls who file rape cases despite the girls consenting to sex with their bf, also, girls who went through breakup filing rape cases on their exes. Why? Because of Indian culture that frowns women from having premarital sex and obsession with female virginity and we keeping community honour in a woman’s vagina. Rape is considered better than a female having consensual sex - in line with Indian culture. Relax all that, don’t bother about female virginity and go easy on honour and girls won’t have reason to file fake rape cases maybe except for revenge that should be punished. That’s what KK is doing, dismantling sexist Indian culture – that virginity isn’t important and Indian males cry foul that it’s against Indian culture and then cry foul on fake rape cases that are motivated by culture that emphasizes on the chastity of women. You gotta accept that biological urges are stronger than your culture – you can’t beat Merciless Mother Nature.

Phase in affirmative policies that bridge the gap between Indian men and women. Perhaps, for every girl newborn, born to poor parents especially, the government can start a bank deposit meant for her education, and encourage the parents to save money for the girl’s education rather than marriage. Perhaps have Living Skills as part of the academic curriculum where boys and girls learn cooking, sewing, carpentry and basic electronics – in schools and make it a mandatory subject to pass. Automatically you will see an attitude change in Indian boys and they will take responsibility at home, not stop the wife from working and not die of starvation if Elon Musk decides to ship Indian women off to Mars. Outlaw sexist college rules especially the ludicrous one that prohibits male and female students from talking to each other. Create law-abiding and nature loving citizens and go easy on culture and religion - India so cultured and religious but ranks no 3 in the list of countries with the highest HIV rates. These feminist establishments are the ones that can bring change and take the country to the level of Nordic countries, not by aborting male fetuses. Have a heart full of love and empathy and have a sense of justice. Those are the prerequisites to be a feminist, to be a human. Stand up for what is right and aborting male fetuses isn’t right by any standards just like aborting female fetuses isn’t right. 

Iceland didn't become one of the safest and happiest countries in the world and the most gender equal country in the world by aborting male fetuses, being hung up on marriage, motherhood, women staying married and culture, caste and marrying girls at 20 - 25. It became that way by implementing national policies that include women equally, making the men realise that women are human beings just like them and that upholding laws and raising children right with love for the environment is paramount. 

Of course, the country where I come from is trying to do something for the women in a small yet national way - LWTG. 

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