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Of urban legends and setting code conduct for girls

As a school girl in Malaysia who went to an obscure all girls school in a Malaysian valley city, I've heard a shitload of urban legends - one urban legend book I read left me so haunted and petrified, I couldn't read it again. It was Singaporean though and trust me it beat Issei Sagawa, the rape and murder of Junko Furuta and every Stephen King horror story book.

Of the many urban legends, one particular story was circulating within the Malaysian Indian students of my coterie. It was the logic given on why girls, particularly Indian girls, shouldn't masturbate. Not only it's against Indian culture but it also kills apparently and makes girls who die as a result of masturbation become sexually non gratified apparitions. The story, summarised, goes like this:

"In MGS, Methodist Girls High School, a student, which is a girl, got horny and she inserted a test tube into her vagina in the science lab. The test tube broke inside her and it cut her vaginal insides leading to profuse bleeding. She was rushed to the hospital - she couldn't be saved. She died from excessive blood loss. The school then was haunted and the test tubes there would 'bleed.'"

I bought that shit. No more now though - it sounds like Madan Gowri talking about menstruation. I neither believe in god nor souls and ghosts. The latter is just another extreme.

No one in their right mind would insert a breakable glass material into their vagina to masturbate - ever heard of fingering? Also, masturbation in women is characterised by stimulation of the clitoris which is partially outside, not inside. Also, vibrators just made it easier.

Clitoris is the only organ that exists to solely to give sexual gratification and it is the most sensitive place in the human body with the most nerve endings.

Women are built to enjoy sexual pleasure. Culture and tradition have said that women enjoying sex is vice and sin - fuck both. Science says otherwise - follow science.

Urban legends are cool though. Fun to read and hear.

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