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How to make the hashtag #AllMenArePotentialRapists lose its significance

So many men, Indian men are enraged by the #AllMenArePotentialRapists hashtag. They come and fly off the handle at people who use the tag, they make it about themselves. They say, "I'm in a bad mood. I'm having a bad day." They do everything but take steps to make the tag lose its meaning.

First things first in lieu with biology and civil conduct that men need to know and apply:

"It's completely fine and natural to get sexually attracted and aroused. IT'S NATURAL AND WE WOMEN LIKE IT TOO. We women look, get attracted at guys too. SEXUAL ATTRACTION DOESN'T NEED TO TRANSFORM INTO SEXUAL VIOLENCE. When you see a woman and you get attracted to her for whatever reason, her dressing, her loosu ponnu/sammathu ponnu qualities, ask her out, buy her a drink (don't roofie it) or compliment her. You don't have to rape her or advise her how to dress. Nature is very simple and straightforward. Civil laws make sure we don't hurt other people. We Indians complicate both by bringing in culture."

Guys go, "I am ashamed of what my kind do sometimes to women and children but I am not a rapist."

You stopping at being ashamed and then defending yourself, changing the term to suit your fancy, omitting the word POTENTIAL is a problem. Also, there is no such thing as 'your kind'. We're all one kind - homo sapiens.

You want the tag to get defunct, play your part in making it defunct. You say you don't give a fuck on what women do, how they dress and what their personal choices as it's their right. You are indeed great and I grovel at your feet. But you don't try to make other men to be as great as you are. You don't tell those guys who shame girls who do Musically, say that if women won't dress 'modestly, it's their fault they were sexually harassed TO STOP THAT SHIT. When you don't do that, it rubs off as you agreeing with those guys you passively disassociate with. Which is paradoxical.

When you see men saying shit like, "If you don't cover meat, the dog will come take it out," call it out. Stress that men aren't rabid dogs and women/children aren't meat.

You guys keep underestimating your potential to be self controlled, self assured, civil, human rights respecting people. Up it up by actively calling out rape apologists and victim blamers, not by decrying the tag.

The tag only came about as more and more rape cases involve men who are familiar, known and trusted by the victims. It's about wariness.

You guys have great potential to not be a rapist. Show it at the cause factors - the guys who say dupatta podlana ungala potturuvom for example. Because if you don't, then you seem to be bros with them.

We at KK do the job I am asking you guys to do. We call out misogynistic, sexist establishments that prove time and again that men are potential rapist - we try to change the guys to not sound like potential rapists. We work to make the tag irrelevant and those guys who cry foul of the #AllMenArePotentialRapists are glaringly missing on that platform. Work with us to make the tag less usable. Direct your anger to the right place.

If you still get mad at the tag because you are not like that, I am sorry to say you are not going to make a difference. All you are caring about is yourself - your ego and your feelings. You are not caring to change the status quo, that is prove that men are anything but like the tag says and that women and children and men deserve safety as a rule, not an exception.

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