Bra strap causes rape - macha logic

When we posted article on bra strap - men came out to say - ithu lam oru issue. But here is a proof of someone who think showing sequin bra strap justifies rape. Now you see how serious this issue is? A tiny, insignificant thing like bra strap is said to trigger rape - and victims are not supposed to complain because they brought it upon themselves? Using his logic, the visible jatti strap of machas induces male rape by females?
You see machas, every time you blame women’s dressing for rape, you are shaming yourselves. You are saying that your social mannerism is not up to par of civility. You are implying that your self control is so weak a tiny bra strap will lead you astray. You are saying that you cannot respect women as people with their own dressing autonomy. You are saying that you don’t have a sense of granting personal space for women.
If you think girls as your younger or elder sisters, you should think like that regardless of their dress. What you are saying is benign sexism, not goodness for girls. If you want to do goodness for girls tell men to do nothing to do them and tell girls to learn martial arts to defend themselves because girls can’t be wondering daily as to what to wear in order to avoid rape - tried burqa but girls in burqa are raped AS WELL. Meenachis don't have a lower sense of dressing level, men like you have a sense of lower level thinking level, a level so low that a bra strap induces urge to rape. You always like to say that men are stronger than women. Prove your strength by controlling your urges regardless of a woman’s bra strap is showing or her silhoutte being visible beneath her shirt.
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