How to encounter/handle Verbal Abuse?

We have been asked this question by one of our readers since we did let you all know that we are being harassed on daily basis. Verbal abuse here is inclusive of online harassment which of course covers the daily heckling from machas. So, how do we handle this? Because online verbal abuse can be very disheartening and dismantling to one’s mental health. In fact, many ladies may have refrained of posting in our page due to the fear of being verbally abused. So, here’s how KK admins handle verbal abuses and ridicules that were thrown at us:
a) Be objective
- Verbal abuses are meant to shame an individual or to humiliate them. So, don’t let them get to you. Remind yourself that such abuses are basically what they are – abuses. You don’t have to succumb to it. Detach yourself of the abusive words, comments and phrases. Treat them as if you are reading from a third person’s perspective. It is very important to be critical of verbal abuses.
b) Don’t take it personally
- So, the abuser has decided to assassinate your character. Maybe pull in your family members and relatives. Or the abuser has decided to portray you as a whore/slut for simply making a statement. Or the normal Indian method of verbal abuse – criticizing your physical looks. When people get personal as in criticizing an individual instead of his or her opinions/statements/
c)Laugh the abuses off
KK admins go through some serious abuses from detractors which include both machas and meenachis. They coin all sorts of names for us and make cheap trolls of our posts and they say things we didn’t. But we just brush them off a as a bunch of jobless jokers stalking our page because they have nothing in their worth to prove. Activism has its price and if you wanna be an activist be ready to pay the price.
d) Avoid Frustration Build Up
- Frustrations come with the prolonged exposure to stupid, cheap and below the belt comments. You have been arguing constructively, giving out critical opinions which were continuously met with shitty retorts that don’t hold water. Your words were twisted to suit any other purposes except what you wanted to deliver. What do you do in such situation? Keep on voicing out and don’t give up. Nope, you don’t expect idiots to change their ways and suddenly to comprehend your opinions. You just forge on because there are audiences who are intelligent enough to discern what you are trying to say. As long as you don’t give a fuck for what such low lives say, there will be no frustration build up.
e) Stop Having Expectations that Everyone will Support you
- When KK started this page, we never expected Indian girls to support us due to the status quo of adekum udakum for generations. However, we were surprised with the number of girls who came out and said how we have voiced out what they were thinking in their minds all these while. We also have girls who practically condemned and criticized us for our long winded essays. We also have Miss High Mighty on her horse type of ladies who think such page and articles are not needed as women are capable of handling their own problems. We expected such reactions and forged forward. That’s the best way to handle all the verbal abuses that were thrown at us.
These are some of the ways we handle verbal abuses thrown at us. Hope it helps you girls as well in handling such problems from karats, stalkers and retarded machas.
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