Ex boyfriends shaming ex girlfriends on Whatsapp and Wechat

In our society, girls are regarded as the source of shame and sin. From how an Indian girl dresses to how she behaves, EVERY DAMN THING is scrutinized then condemned. And then there’s this definition of a good girl and a bad girl and a code of conduct on how a woman should behave - pombele pombeleya irukanum (a woman should behave like a woman). And all these are twisted the way the society sees fit their intentions.
Now, the trend is shaming girls who left their boyfriends by posting the girls’ pics and contact details in Whatsapp or WeChat groups, sometimes containing more than 500 guys.
Now, these are the same machas who vaai kuusame (without a tiny bit of shame) say that the love of a guy is greater than the love of a girl. These machas yes, will be the sweetest guys ever when in a relationship, truly caring and loving. But if the girls don’t want to prolong the relationship for any reason, revenge comes up in mind and avenging becomes the act and communication tech becomes the medium.
What these guys want is to spoil the girl’s name. Capitalizing on Indian society that is forever on the wait to moral police Indian girls, these guys spread the girls’ photo, contact number and address in Whatsapp or Wechat groups for the pleasure of machas of ribald intentions.
This is what those guys who profess true love do - cakap tak serupa bikin. One of my macha friend’s gf who proposed to him left him due to some reasons. To this day, not a word was spoken by him wronging her. He understood and respected her decision and let her be. Now, that’s a decent human being - you wretched creatures who threaten and intentionally want to spoil a girl’s reputation just because she left you are disgusting.
You know who are are more revolting? It is those boys in the Whatsapp/Wechat groups, without any sense, messaging and calling the girl despite knowing that she’s a victim, torturing her. Don’t you have any empathy? This explains why Facebook pages on employment and education opportunities take 2 years to garner 2000 followers but vandi pages take 2 weeks to get 2000 followers. This clearly shows where those machas’ interest is. The girl who gave her pic to the guy she loved and trusted at his pester is from a bad family and was wrongly brought up but her ex who resorted to revenge, weaponizing Indian culture and the other machas who harass her are from good family and rightly brought up.
I am not going to use the trite ‘un akka thanggachi photo vantha Whatsapp/Wechat le, avaleyum ippadi than pannuviya? (If the photo of your sister comes in such groups, will you do the same). Because you need to know that the girls whose photos get circulated are not the sisters of other machas, they’re plainly victims. And what you are doing is harassing the victim further.
Not so long ago, there was a case where a girl posted a pic of her in swimwear on Facebook with friends privacy. Someone screenshot the image and it was posted on a girl moral policing Indian Taliban page. We took up her case and she messaged us tearfully that she is deactivating her FB due to unabated harassment from machas. Now i want to ask those machas that are they proud of themselves, harassing a girl just for wearing swimsuit to go swimming.? You deserve an award? Swimsuit doesn’t spoil Indian culture, this harassing behaviour of machas does, not only within the Indian community but also among other races.
While that girl was successfully put in a situation beyond mortification just for wearing the right garb for swimming, a playboy we exposed in KK is continuing to be a playboy as reported with proof by the girls who exposed him to us. Is this what Indian culture is, to allow guys to get away with almost anything while girls are shamed like a deluge that is not going to end for doing things that are totally harmless, undeserving of contempt?
We learnt that exposing doesn’t change a thing - awareness does. So machas, assuming that a wee bit of humanity is still alive in you, if you come across such photos of girls in Whatsapp/Wechat, don’t forward the pics, message or call the girl. Break the circle. If you want your sisters to be safe then make sure you play a part in keeping all women safe because other women are the sisters of others. Vilify the guy who posted the pics and her contact info and protect the girl by deleting her pic from your gallery and urge all group members to do the same. YOU CAN MAKE A CHANGE. BEING AN HONOURABLE HUMAN BEING OF EMPATHY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN BEING A MAN, WHATEVER BEING A MAN OR A WOMAN FOR THAT MATTER MEANS..
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