Rights to drink and smoke for women?

Only stupid people will think that smoking and drinking are a matter of rights - all KK is advocating is freedom of choice and equal judgement.
Everyone has the right to live life the way they want as long as it doesn't flout the law. Will you accept the pardoning of a murderer or a lighter sentence just because she's a woman? No right? So why condemn women who make the choice to drink or whatever and endorse men doing the same thing?
Laws and judgement should be gender neutral - women shouldn't have it easy and men shouldn't have superiority. Apparently, this civil liberty guaranteed by human rights governed by conscience and sense is too high for some people to grasp.
Keyword: Freedom of choice. Let's see how you like it when others tell you that you shouldn't choose to do this and that like cry, show emotion, take care of your skin, become a house husband, choose a nursing career just because you have a penis.
Drinking/smoking is a choice albeit a bad one and people who care about their health won't do both, be it men or women. Medical experts say that alcohol consumption and smoking is injurious to health, not only injurious to women's health only or injurious to culture. If you want to criticize drinking, criticize everyone who drinks, not only women who drink.
Don’t like your freedom being infringed upon? Then don’t infringe upon the freedom of others.
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