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Girls asking rights to drink and smoke - nope, just asking not to be judged differently for doing the same things guys do

KK had been condemned countless times for apparently diffusing the rights for women to drink and smoke. I feel that I need to correct this perception. Actually, meenachis are free to drink, smoke, party and have premarital sex - rights are already there, like machas. But the connected judgement and perception, that if girls drink, smoke, club and are no longer virgin judged and perceived as bitch, whore, slut, not a good girl and if guys do all that, it’s a normal thing is the thing that needs to change.

Equality isn’t only a state of reality; it’s also a state of mindset and when people judge both genders differently for the same things they do, a part of equality isn’t met. Here girls buying liquor makes headlines like it’s a sin of the highest order but machas fighting after getting inebriated is normal. This is what we seek to change.

Making choices is a human right, regardless of the choice being detrimental or beneficial and as long as it’s doesn’t harm anyone else and not against the law, it’s alright. Women who drink/smoke are just making choices and while their choices aren’t good just like they aren’t for men, they don’t deserve to be judged sordidly. We don’t condemn women who love to eat fast food (mind you, fast food is also a western attribute) as slut, bitch and whore do we? It’s the same thing, liquor goes into the body and damages the body and it’s up to an individual to love their body and not ingest what’s harmful - the disintegration of Indian culture doesn’t lie in Indian women drinking.

There is much work to be done within our society in terms of gender equality as our perception on women still suck big time. As admins of KK, we’ve been humiliated and called not good girls just because we are outspoken in outlining that women should be allowed to have their own autonomy and not be judged differently for the choices they make.

Also, machas, in order to feel masculine, they have this urge to control meenachis. When they can’t control, they condemn. It’s as simple as that. What I want these machas to reflect on is, is shaming and harassing a girl until she deactivates her Facebook account just for posting a pic of hers in swimsuit to go swimming with friends privacy something admirable? Mortifying her to the point of tears is something prideful? Are you proud? Do you think that you’re a good human being by doing that? Ask yourself this question before deciding to malign girls for doing stuff that when men do, you go, ‘Biasa thane’. Note drinking, smoking, clubbing and fill in the blanks. 

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