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Indians and suicide

I woke up to the news that famed TV personality and actor Sai Prashanth has committed suicide yesterday and it got me reflecting.

A few weeks ago, a family friend of mine committed suicide. He hung himself on the fan, using a wire. The wire cut his throat deeply causing respiration tension which he succumbed to.

This uncle committed suicide due his adopted son being a complete leech. He left behind a diabetic wife whom he was taking care of. Now she’s all alone and out on a limb.

Indians see suicide as an easy way out from problems and as compensation for loss of dignity and mortification. Often times, it’s not related to depression or despondency or even mental illnesses. It’s purely due to to escape from circumstances that are unfavorable to them. They take the easy way out by suicide, not realising the troubles they leave behind for their loved ones.

Many machas think that suicide is the ultimate deed of true love - they commit suicide to prove that their love is true. It doesn’t help with Tamil cinema propaganda - from Youth Vijay to Manmadhan Simbu, they hammer the fact that the pain of love is so great for men, death is the only solution. And, our machas duly lap it up like brainless idiots who can’t think for themselves. They commit suicide after breakup and blame it on the girl for their lack of resilience and mostly common sense. You only prove your stupidity and lack of care for others who love you, especially your mother. If your gf dumps/leaves you for another guy, develop yourself in front of her so that she will feel that she missed you. Suicide is easier than that but no one will praise you for it. Except for the suicidal macha’s kainge who will then launch a witch hunt online for the girl who dumped their friend, that too, online. Where the fuck these guys were when their macha friend was down in the dumps beats me. When nasi sudah jadi bubur, these machas sebuk to blame the girl for their friend’s death. Like it’s going to bring their friend back, this pinning the girl as the murderer of their friend. Forever blame girls la you machas for every single fucking thing. I’ll see how far you’ll go with that attitude.

My granduncle committed suicide because his eldest daughter eloped with a macha. He left behind his widow and 8 hungry mouths whom were cared for by my dad. If only my granduncle had thought of that 8 mouths that need to be fed and not only of his odugali (runaway) daughter, they needn’t suffer, and siblings, ripped apart. His suicide was driven by ‘what others will say’. And yes, Indians forever worry what others will say. Let me tell you la, others only exist to say what comes to their mouths. If you care about what others are going to say and commit suicide, leaving behind those dependent on you, those others are not going to help those dependent on you after your demise. They aren’t gonna praise you either in posthumous. They’re gonna say how selfish of you to commit suicide, leaving those who rely on you. So, others are gonna talk bad about you no matter what you do. It’s better to stay alive and ignore what others say and develop your family which will eventually shut others up.

Indians rank the highest in suicide statistics. The highest number of suicides/suicide attempts are dominated by Indian males. Besides love failure machas, machas in messy divorce cases, machas who suffered huge losses in Forex trading/business venture rank highest. Usually the machas in the latter category look out for ways to lift their socioeconomic status but fail due to lack of business acumen, inexperience, cheating business partners and unrealistic goals. They commit suicide as they come to the conclusion that they failed in life. Gender roles also play a critical part - as men, they are expected to bring in income and when they fail, society brands them a failed man who should just go wear saree (although there are many machas who are scroungers and cadgers of meenachis, living by the phrase that I don’t want a girl who wants me to feed her, I need a girl that is ready to feed me) Farmers in India commit suicide in mass numbers, men of course due to debts or unfavourable farming conditions - the sort you watched in Kaththi and this too is due to male gender stereotype.

Whatever the problem is, suicide is not a solution. Disabled people are living. We’ve got functional bodies. What’s our excuse?

If you have suicidal thoughts, especially recurrent intertwined with unabated sorrow, or feel that life has no meaning get help ASAP. Confide in a friend and seek professional advice. Suicide is wholly preventable - read A Man’s Search for Meaning by Dr Viktor Frank. He states how he overcame suicidal thoughts in Nazi concentration camp - a place where death is almost certain. He came up with logotherapy and debunked Sigmund Freid’s psychoanalysis which states all mental conditions are sex related.

Free yourself from suicidal thoughts. This is coming from a former suicidal person.

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