India's shooting star Heena Sidhu withdraws from Asian shooting championship in Iran due to compulsory hijab rule
Yesterday, Karutthu Kannammaa talked about Remo being a movie that insults the intelligence of girls. Today, we're delighted to hear about a girl who proved that girls can have a mind of their own and not swayed by the opinion of others, let alone authority.
Meet Heena Sidhu, Indian ace shooter. She pulled out from the Asian Airgun Shooting Championship set to be held in Tehran this year in December. Why? It's because of the rule in Iran that makes it compulsory for female participants to wear the hijab in compliance with the rules of the Islamic Republic of Iran..
Heena told Times of India, “Forcing tourists or foreign guests to wear ‘hijab’ is against the spirit of the game. Since I don’t like it, I have withdrawn my name."
"You follow your religion and let me follow mine. I’ll not participate in this competition if you are going to force me to comply with your religious beliefs,” she added.
We absolutely love this rebellious shooting damsel's opinion. She implied that women are not to be made follow outrageous instructions that curtails their freedom.
The same goes to the burqini ban in the beaches of France. Listen, freedom of dressing is not only to expose but to also cover up - whatever a woman chooses to wear. While France is fighting Islamism, it picked the wrong quarters to fight it - women. But of course if the women are like the women below in the video, then France's move is right. Nothing should be tolerated if peace of a country is at stake.
Back to Heena Sidhu, it’s not for the first time that has withdrawn her name from a tournament being held in Iran.
Footnote for Iran - if you want female participants from other countries to respect and follow your dress code, then you will need to do the same in other countries; let your contestants wear bikini when they play volleyball in countries like Netherlands. It should go both ways to be fair.
~Rockin Roja~ #OnlyAtKK
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