Macha double standards on virginity

What does being a virgin means? It means you have never had sexual intercourse with anyone. This basic definition applies to everyone regardless of gender. However, most machas are very ignorant or couldn’t care less because for boys it seems– virginity is non-existent. Such is the state of macha’s mentality that it is laughable. And then, when we posted and advised girls not to have pre-marital sex if the macha gets all itchy to avoid any future complications – you should see the number of machas who get all riled up. One macha even compared non-virgin girls as shit. This is exactly what he wrote about girls who have lost their virginity:
----”The worst case is after this meenachi get screwed up by karat macans married the buta.comammanji macan who never touch girls before!!! Pavem nuh solleretha illeh vithi nuh solleretha!!! Can eat the food which eaten by others!!! But can't eat others digested food!!! It's called shit!!!”
Let us ask you, wise macha who labelled non-virgin girls as shit, what do you call the macha who has helped himself to her virginity? He is shit as well isn’t it? So, what to do with the shit macha who has also lost his innocence (let’s call it innocence since machas claim they don’t have virginity) by having sex with a girl. For every girl who has lost her virginity and is labelled shit, there will be an equal shit male partner who happens to be a playboy who enjoys sleeping around. So, how to accept shit guys? Why should an appavi, ammanji girl who never touched boys before (innocent) girl marry a shit, playboy? Why should Kudumbethekke etta kuttu vilaku (KKV) accept shit machas? Pavem nu soldretha ille vithi nu soldretha? Girls can and should eat such shit but machas won’t and shouldn’t?
Getting to the next part – a girl who has lost her virginity is a used item (according to machas). Now, many machas out there watch porn and masturbate to that. Then, those machas with money may get girls to sleep with them or get prostitutes for sex. So, they have used their penis to fulfil their sexual desires without getting married. Now these guys have used penis and are therefore dirty. How can women marry used items? Opps, men with used penis? If machas expect women to be all clean and brand new, then women have a right to expect clean and unused men too.
Another macha claimed that a guy who slept with 10 girls will still be ‘ambele’ (refer to meme). Well, technically, a girl who sleeps with 10 guys will still be a girl – nope, she won’t be a vandi or quit her job to become a whore in Brickfields. It is all the perception of guys and society. You sleep with a girl and then you go around, spreading news about her – leading to the labelling. Plus, sexual freedom is for everyone, and no it doesn’t belong just to some self entitled males. If a girl who slept with 10 guys is a dirty whore, undeserving of respect and carries diseases and viruses, then if you sleep with 10 girls – you are a dirty MAN WHORE. You are not an ambele but STD (sexually transmitted disease) on wheels undeserving of respect. You are just a SHIT like how you label women out there. You are also a used item just like the women that you have labelled. It works both ways.
Men get all angry when we tell them to accept women who are non-virgins. However, for generations, many Indian women have tolerated ‘used items, shits, MAN WHORES, diseases spreading men; who have slept with other women prior to marriage. Indian women did not label such men back then and accepted quietly that what matters is the current relationship. However, when it comes to Indian men to accept the same thing, they get all nasty and start labelling women with all sorts of names. They are extremely pissed that virgin boys should marry non-virgin women – well, ain’t that unfair? When it’s your turn, you get pissy but you expect women to tolerate ‘used’ men and accept them as life partner? Very funny, these indian machas…their rational thinking is limited to what benefits them only – such selfish individuals. Know that this is all in a circle, for every ‘used’ girl, there is a ‘used’ guy.
If this article hurt you machas then imagine how hurt girls would have been all this while. Pain and insults feel the same for everyone immaterial of gender. If you feel insulted and hurt by this ‘equalizing status quo’ article then stop labeling girls and interfering into the private sex life of others, no matter guy or girl. They will face the consequences for their actions which are not yours to decide and deride. As much as we are against premarital sex for both genders, we don’t have the right to tell others how to live their lives or label anyone. Hope this article makes y’all cogitate deeply.
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