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Machas thinking meenachis never mean what they say and do

Ever since I got aware on how the world works, men have always said that what women say is contained in a different meaning - No means Yes and vice versa. Men interpret what women say differently and give an impression that women aren’t capable of a mental firm footing and single mindedness and this is true for some of our machas as well.

Machas don’t seem to take unresponsiveness or a firm ‘No’ from a meenachi as an answer. For them, the meaning of a meenachi being unresponsive to advances and ‘No’ ranges from ‘silence means approval’, ‘she’s not responding because she’s shy but she likes me’, ‘she’s not talking because she’s a girl, a good girl which has accham, naanam, payirppu’, ‘to make her respond, I have to be persistent in following/harassing her’, ‘she doesn’t mean the No, she is leading me on’, ‘when she says No she actually means Yes’, ‘to turn her No to Yes, I have to keep at invading her personal space’, ‘to make her No to Yes, I have to stalk/threat/blackmail her’, etc. All these are contained in the encapsulation of valliku kondu varerethu (to make her pander)

As meenachis, I can safely say that you’ve undergone all of the above and you’d agree that it’s not only terrifying but exhausting and mostly extremely annoying. But machas who do this are completely oblivious that what they’re doing is distasteful.

I’ll give just one example - a macha comes to chat on Facebook with a meenachi. Macha starts on the regurgitated banal questions, saptiya, thoongeniya, uccha poniya, kakka poniya. The meenachi gets irritated and says ‘GTG, bye.’ Macha asks ‘Y bye? Chat me dear’ Meenachi’s irritation gets to boiling point and says that she is not interested to chat with the macha. Macha won’t take that as an answer and insists that meenachi should continue chatting with him even though the meenachi hates it. Selfish macha only wants his tedium/lack of romantic relationship be eliminated by the meenachi; he doesn’t give a damn to what the meenachi feels what more respect her words and the decision behind the words. If the macha does and takes leave, when he sees the meenachi still online, he’ll pop up again with a ‘Hiiii, chat me dear.’ And when this happens, meenachi is left with no options but block the macha who thinks being persistent will make the meenachi fall in love with him.

Well, there is no blocking option in real life and let me describe a scenario. Macha sees a girl and falls into lau-su so he follows her wherever she goes, professing Tamil movies derived love dialogues. Girl says no, but macha no take that as an answer and follows her harder. Girl accepts the macha so that he leaves her the fuck alone. Girl dumps the macha after learning what a piece of shit he is, living off his friends’ cash and literally steals fags from the maligai kadai and macha lets in a quarter thanni and persists to attempt to commit suicide if the meenachi doesn’t come back to him, refusing to accept her decision and attempt to make her change her decision.

Worst in Tamil movies, this is what they depict - if machas are importunate and indecent enough, a meenachi who says ‘No, don’t follow me. No, I don’t love you. Stop following and disturbing me.’ will make a cartwheel. The methods that this can be achieved include kissing the girl forcefully, following her relentlessly, incessantly torture the girl and basically not leaving her alone. And, eventually, the girl always falls in love with the guy despite her literally running away from him in the first place - seen in Moonu, OKOK, Unnale Unnale, VTV and perhaps every fucking Tamil movie which depict girls with a rubber band for a vertebrae, breaking when amply bent. These movies make machas believe that the girl you like must be pursued till the end no matter what. So a macha watches these movies and thinks what a manmadhan (prince charming) he is. So he goes and line podduren (fixes a love line) to a Form 3 meenachi with his appan veetu kapchai (his father’s motorcycle) until the meenachi surrenders. This is perhaps the only tactic in machas’ books to tackle a girl.

This macha thinking meenachis don’t mean what they say have excellent qualities that need to be applied in the area of self development - persistence, perseverance and inordinate effort. The way these machas spend their networking acumen, multitasking ability and vidaa muyarchi (endless effort) in making a meenachi’s no to yes, if used in education and job these machas will enjoy a meteoric rise in life. But no, be lazy at job, be hardworking in pursuing a meenachi who is not interested into making her interested. If the macha makes an uninterested employer interested in hiring him, then he’ll augment his life’s value and automatically, a meenachi will be interested in him. But somehow these machas fail to interpret this meenachi’s thought. I can’t understand why.

Next time machas, if a girl says no, leave her alone. Don’t be a fucking stalker and make her mull to call PDRM.

~Pattu Mamee~ #OnlyAtKK

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