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Feminism and its detractors' deviousness destroyed

Cooking, cleaning and being self sustaining at home are survival skills everyone should have - here your stereotype is showing, that cooking is a woman's job.

Feminists no longer want children. It's you stupidly assuming that feminists are mandatorily female.

Feminism is an ideology, not a biology. Anyone can be a feminist exactly like how anyone can be a rationalist. You obviously lack rationality, losing it in the fast track of feminism bashing.

Check Iceland and Sweden. The countries are openly feminist and they are raising many happy, healthy and self confident children - free education, paternal and maternal leaves which are the longest in the world. They have child friendly workplaces. There's an Icelandic saying that goes, "It takes a village to raise a child, not a wedding ring." Feminists recognises that not all women want children and that women shouldn't be dictated for what their wombs must be used - there are plenty of women AND MEN wanting children and adopting children and feminism totally supports that. Buster, being warm, loving, tidy and spending time with  family isn't something that only women are capable of - everyone is capable of that.

Men are perceived as independent and strong but families still are going strong - women being independent and strong help forge and consolidate families. They contribute equally to the household and lessen the burden of men.

Whoa, so in your perception, women are only sex machines who are supposed to give birth, cook and raise children? Feminism says that women are more than that - feminism actively combats objectification. No, women are smarter than what you credit them for - they save and invest the money they make, buy property, sustain themselves and their families and drive the economy. Yes, they will spend to look good but it's not a desperate attempt to attract men. It's for self gratification and to be healthy - things will fall in place if you're happy with yourself and healthy as in job, life partner, kids and life overall.

So, you're saying men only have one functioning thing? The penis? Lol, feminism credits men more than men themselves credit themselves. Feminism says that men are able to look at women as their equal humans in all aspects.

The fruit of feminism is men and women helping each other to become the best versions of themselves and making the world a better place for everyone as equal partners of humanity.

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