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"One of the reasons for rape is women dressing fashionably" Umm, Okay

So, now, many Tamil boys have come up with yet another 'plausible, researched and accredited' cause of rape of children and perhaps even animals. They claim that women dress fashionably, revealing body parts that should be covered. That expose sexually arouse men and the men go on to inflict sexual violence on children, other innocent women and mayhaps, animals. When told dressing doesn't cause rape, they say dressing is one of the causes, not the only cause. They say women are to be equally blamed if not entirely blamed for inducing the monster in men, causing them to be rapists by scant dressing

Wow. So, let's look at 'one of the causes' of other crimes motivated by external temptations:

1. One of the reasons thieves & robbers steal & rob is because they see other people live a luxury life - they can't breach gates and Rottweiler guard dogs so they steal and rob poor, defenceless and vulnerable people.

2. One of the reasons serial killers kill is because they see people living - they can't kill celebrities and politicians so they kill ordinary people.

So, you can't blame thieves, robbers and serial killers only - the blame equally if not entirely goes to the people who induced the thieving, robbing, murdering monster in them. So, people should stop being rich or being alive to prevent these crimes.

Seems legit.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely correct.
    But many femenist were never accept this point.

    approching opposite gender will give good results.

    Nverth laws.

    I proud of you.

    I request you to read #speakup video in youtube comments.


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