Our ancient Indian ancestors were not stupid by any definition
The "Nam munnorgal muttal alla" group is fond of following 'ancient wisdom & scientific culture', more often than not, linked to Hinduism. They say that our ancestors had scientific reasons as to why every ritual, prohibition and marital insignia are phased in....
I agree that our ancestors were not stupid. They did what they could with the resources and human developments they had.
"Everything is achievable by technology. Tony, I am limited by the technology of my time. But one day, you will figure this out. And, when you do, you'll change the world." - Howard Stark, Iron Man 2 -
No wiser words have been spoken.
There's a tendency of our generation to keep referring back to what our ancestors did then claim it scientific and that the west copied it. I see this as a desperate attempt to portray the religion and culture have any worth and relevance. It's true that 0 was discovered by Indian intellectuals along with a host of other groundbreaking discoveries that enriched the world. But, they are a separate discipline. Saying that those discoveries and inventions made by Indians is the result of Hinduism is like saying the Large Hadron Collider is the result of Vatican City. Science and religions are two very different disciplines - they don't mix. Also, only Brahmins made these discoveries - the lower castes were denied education. That's not fair isn't it? Like Eklavya. Even though talent and ability were there, they were denied recognition because of the belief 'inferior from birth'. I can't take pride in such a past.
And, no Robert Oppenheimer didn't take the formula to make atom bomb from the Gita - he merely described the first atomic explosion with a verse from the Gita, "I have become the destroyer of worlds." If atom bomb formula is contained in the Gita, why India isn't harnessing it? What's the need for DRDO? Oppenheimer had vast interests and one of his interests was Hinduism. His close aide described this quirk of Oppenheimer's as a distraction rather than a plus point. The man was just curious and had a thirst for learning about all kinds of stuff.
When faced with duppatta boys, we often go back to what ancient Indians, prior to invasion from the Mughals and colonial British to prove that 'dressing modesty' wasn't an extant factor in ancient India thanks to the scorching Equator sun, hence dupatta being not Indian culture. I would like to say we should stop doing that because it's stupid. Imagine if our ancestors thought that what was practiced during caveman times as culture and followed it to the dot. Humanity would be stuck in a rut. Even nature renews itself. It's called evolution. As time progresses, culture too should progress. That is the most natural thing to happen. And, duppatta is a fairly recent invention.
Our ancestors were intelligent for not following the ways of their ancestors and doing what they could to up the quality of their life and make sense of the world around them. If there is any lesson we can derive from our ancestors, it's this. Quit basking in past glories and create glories now.
If you insist that old ways of doing things is BAE, give up your Facebook for a pigeon.
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