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Holding the big fat Indian wedding you can't afford - it's not wrong, just imprudent

So, we shared a guy's post on the phenomenon of Indians taking personal loans just to hold extravagant weddings. And, we got this comment: "Y care so much about other people expenses. People have a right to splurge their hard earned money as they please. Happiness is subjective. Wat may seem as wastage to you may seem as happiness as others or even life goals. Many couples even have an expensive wedding to make their parents happy. Some societies still consider a proper wedding as a status symbol for the family." Whoa.. It questions why need to take personal loans to conduct weddings. Because, it doesn't give any added value, only devalue. You get poorer by conducting a wedding you can't afford just for society's sake. I know a guy who's giving his whole earnings to pay back loans his dad took to give grand weddings for his elder siblings. They live in a rented house. If you want to spend your excess money - that's also hard earned, after taxes paid and your own money on a grand wedding ok. Don't be like the Malaysian ex PM and his wife, stealing the people's money and conducting grand weddings for their children - flowers alone, RM 1 million. Because, there's a thing called prudence and conscience. Life goals, especially for women shouldn't be like the women in the Neeya Naana show - grand wedding, mapla should come in heli. Life goals should be education and financial independence, especially for women. Then they can go the extra mile with that financial standing, be it wedding or spa treatment every month - without making anyone else a sacrificial lamb.

Your happiness should not be a misery for others. The girl in neeya naana who says she doesn't care if her brother becomes a debtor, she wants a grand wedding at any cost and the guy I know who can't save anything for himself because his father's definition of happiness and status symbol is grand weddings. It's not rounded happiness is it? Status symbol in our society needs to be redefined. Grand weddings, especially ones people cannot afford are not a status symbol, it's stupidity. But then, it's your prerogative. You want to take debt and have a grand wedding and then scrape your whole life to pay off the debt, unable to save anything for yourself hence in future need to depend on children for everything, having no human dignity because you pin status symbol on a one day event in your life, YOUR CHOICE. YOUR FREEDOM. Just know that society won't help you pay back a penny. Society, that came to the wedding, eat up to neck, and waste food will only mock you for being indebted and making poor financial decisions. Status symbol indeed. Happiness indeed. Define a 'proper wedding'. A proper wedding at most, requires 10 people. The groom. The bride. The marriage registrar. The witnesses, 2 of them. Settle. Not even 10 people. Then throw a wedding reception for family, relatives and friends. Settle. Other stuff is excess, driven by consumerism and materialism and 'Oh what people will say?!"ism. The money you saved by not having a grand wedding to please society and have a fleeting status symbol, you can use to buy house, land, property, real estate, invest in bank bonds, save as lifetime savings and as emergency fund, take medical card. That will save your ass in later life and you need not to depend on anyone monetary wise. Even your children will only change your adult diapers if the diapers are financed by your own money that you saved up. That's status symbol. Human dignity is status symbol. Grand weddings are an illusion of status symbol.

But again, you want to take debt or sell your grandfather's house to hold a grand wedding, YOUR CHOICE. It's not wrong at all. Just imprudent. It's not a crime. Just unwise.

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