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Women drinking - a clarification to get the Tamil Taliban to STFU

A great many Tamil guys get so agitated at the mention that women drinking is a choice just like how men choosing not to drink is a choice.

I will respond to these Tamil guys's reactions one by one and destroy their ignorance grandly.

1. What do you want to achieve by drinking?

Okay, dolphins chew puffer fish to get high and they pass it around. Go ask the dolphins what are they going to achieve by getting high.

Humans eat puffer fish too - fugu, which is poisonous. What are we going to achieve by eating poisonous fish? Humans eat live octopus - the suctions on the tentacles can stick to the throat and cause death - what are we going to achieve by this? Humans skydive. It's very perilous - what are we trying to achieve by skydiving?

Humans do things out of curiosity and pleasure - to achieve dopamine and adrenaline rush. Same goes to drinking. It's normal human behaviour that men and women share. Scientists discovered that it's a behaviour that dolphins share with us - dolphins second us in terms of intelligence. The animals are also the only species that have sex for fun - another trait shared with humans. Ok?

2. Feminism isn't about women drinking and encouraging men oriented habits - don't encourage bad habits.

The only reason why I am saying that alcohol consumption is a choice is because women are persecuted for making that choice like men are for not making that choice.

Men oriented habits - your mentality shows now. Habits are habits, no such things as gender oriented habits.

Men are considered human. Women are considered female. Therefore, when a woman behaves like a human, she's said to imitate men.

There are loads of bad habits. And, your gameplan is busted by you pulling in feminism and asking what are women going to achieve by drinking.

List of bad habits:

- not being productive
- not eating fruits and veggies
- being spendthrift
- not saving money
- leading a sedentary lifestyle

You don't attach gender validation tags to those bad habits, only to drinking. You don't dictate people who practice those habits - only drinking and smoking as the wrongs men do and women shouldn't do. Your cover of, "It's also wrong for men to drink," rings shallow coz you don't oppose posts of men drinking for love failure, exam failure and shit. You don't advise them to get their act together. Your hypocrisy is showing - you don't walk your talk at women to men.

If you say eating junk food is wrongs that women do and men shouldn't do it, we will oppose that too. What gender has to do with doing wrong things and making mistakes?

That's what we are coming to say. That's feminism.

I don't drink. I can't stand the smell. Yet, you don't find me dictating others who do. That's feminism.

3. You are promoting and preaching for women to drink.

Foremost, I say, "Girls, get educated and earn to gain financial independence." I never say, "Girls, drink and get stoned."

Big difference.

All we are saying is not to persecute girls for having the same traits as men. And, it's not the women who are misusing alcohol - men do so take your advice to men. Women got it covered and handled like a boss. After all, it's the women who are expected to turn drunkards into sober men. So, yeah, drinking isn't a problem for us women; we well know the limits.

4. Drinking makes you get cancer.

Only drinking causes cancer?

- eating too much meat causes cancer
- eating GMO foods is said to elevate risks of cancer
- using mobile and laptop is said to cause cancer
- using deodorant is said to cause cancer
- eating charred foods, grilled meat and seafood are said to cause cancer

This ain't feminism. This is physiology.

Now, why don't you go to people who do all the above and say the shit you're saying to women? Learn what personal choices are and that you can be the healthiest and fittest person and still get cancer like Steve Jobs, Randy Pausch and Manisha Koirala. Each of us are different physiology wise.

5. Everyone who drinks should be left to die when they get cancer for choosing to drink - public funds shouldn't be allocated for treating such people and it should be ensured that they don't get medical help. This is my choice.

Okay, so everyone who eats unhealthy foods like burgers, pizza, potato chips, trans-fat and high sodium containing foods, excessively oily and sugary foods should be left to die when they get diabetes, heart disease and hypertension due to choosing to eat these foods? You get blocks in your arteries due to high cholesterol and you should be ensured not get medical help because you didn't really watch what you eat?

Everyone will die one day and healthcare is a human right - not only preservation of life but also improving quality of life. Quote Patch Adams.

It's only your choice when there is no malice for others. Your choice isn't only malicious but also antithesis to humanity - kinda like Nazism, deciding who should live and who shan't based on your ideals of morality. People like you would stop research on finding a vaccine for HIV. People like you stop progression. Also, you're very stupid, suggesting that drinking is the only COD. Health is highly individual and a lot of factors go into establishing it.

6. When a woman does something wrong, it affects everyone around her.

Women have more sense and brains than you men credit us for. We know how to handle our life and a couple of tequila shots on Saturdays ain't gonna make the world stop revolving.

Quit creating a scene that women are stupid, can't make wise and informed choices and that casual drinking will disrupt the family institution while you relieve men from responsible behaviour.

Leave women alone and they will be fine.

Alcohol benefits women, people and animals too, dear Tamil Talibans..

My grandma drinks brandy every night - it helps her sleep.Many herbal tonics for women in confinement period (after childbirth) have alcohol in them - they heal the uterus and provide relief, promoting breast milk production as well as a combo. Red wine is good for you. Rice wine has medicinal properties. Heard of rice wine vinegar, red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar? Brandy is also given for cold - used to resuscitate animals with breathing problems too. Weed is being used for analgesic purposes, to help cancer patients cope with chronic pain.

You gotta know more about how alcohol when used properly, gives benefits and has many derivatives. Malt, barley and hop have medicinal values. It's okay to drink moderately like how it's okay to eat fast food moderately. Even drinking too much liquid H2O is dangerous - it will inundate your lungs triggering respiratory arrest. Know your limits in everything and everything will be fine.


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