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Indian men on the new dowry - women demanding financially settled husband BITCHSLAPPED

Watched a Telugu video of a guy saying that asking for a well settled husband is the dowry that women take - that it's the new dowry. His KSI is – If grooms who take dowry and ask for more are donkeys, girls who ask for financial status and background are also donkeys. Dei, grooms ask for dowry to compensate for the expenses spent for the guy to get an education and shit whilst for girls, they don’t even get to use their education to earn hence the asking for financial status in husband – and it’s the girls’ parents’ demand more often than not, not the girls, the girls may not even be inclined to marry so soon. The guy overlooked many factors that cause this phenomenon and raves on about how girls demand a financially well settled husband and not a good character in husband which most prolly means kaalam poora kanji oothi kann kalangaama paathukuven. He also contradicts himself - first he blames girls, then their parents then the marriage system, never the men as usual. No fucking solutions were proposed. I am seeing too many Indian guys doing this and today I am going to bitchslap them and propose doable solutions.

 1. He totally overlooked the ratio of boys to girls in India, caused by gender preference. There are more boys than girls in India as it is in China (due to the govt's one child policy) which also makes Chinese girls more demanding when finding a husband. But the single Chinese young men don't complain like these Indian young men - they fucking better themselves. They don't fault the girls. And, along with such single Chinese men, there are also working Chinese single women who are fiercely independent.  The Chinese govt arranged dating schools for these young men and women so that they may hook up and get to know each other and marry. The idiot in the video thinks character can be determined by exchanging FB passwords and says that it's similar to pre-nuptial HIV and virginity test. His definition of character (which means sexual activity and relationship abstinent) is fucked up as it is contradicting. True enough, wealth doesn't equate to character like how beauty doesn't. But he never squeaked about Indian men/their parents demanding beauty rather than a working, independent girl. Huh? Pora..

2. He never mentioned about how education/skills and job going for Indian women will totally shift the scenario. But, this also means women having to marry a bit later, after 28. This is unacceptable for many Indian guys, their parents and the parents of Indian girls. You can complain so much about girls demanding a financially settled guy and you ask for a girl aged 18 - 23. 24 and 25 also consider a bit too old. Fuck you. Can you be financially independent by 25? No? Then how do you expect girls to have a good financial backup by 25 and not be reliant on husband? Do you tell your parents to invest in your sisters' education and earning like they do yours? Do you ask for a girl who works and not a girl who will take care of your mother? Do you not stop your wife from working because her duty is limited to caring for your family and the kids? Do you do your part of the housework because your wife works just like you? You say the girl wants to move out from your parents' house after a year, and that no siblings preferred didn't she leave her parents and do you demand your sisters be equally treated at home? Do you ever think of her parents' plight? And, nuclear family means what, the wife gets to sit all day is it? She needs to slog her ass off to manage the house and its worse if she works too and you not doing your part in the house. And, if at all a marriage doesn't work out coz the guy's character is shitty, the woman can walk out and build a life of her own when she is employed - she won't even need alimony, she can take care of herself and give her husband alimony if he qualifies. She can remarry a single, never married before guy who can also be younger than her. Why all these don't occur to you Indian guys? Yeah, coz you're the same guys who lambast Amala Paul, DD and Trisha. You just can't take divorced, successful women who are older - they are used goods and aunty. What happened to Pawan Kalyan’s ex wife when she announced remarriage? She received cringeworthy advice against remarrying and death threats. Pawan Kalyan REMARRIED THRICE. Do you even consider disabled women/women with disorders as marriageable? NOPE. Fuck you. You only want really, really young girls who are beautiful = fair skinned and slim, preferably virgin, worked for a year or 2 and won't work after marriage, submissive and not demanding for financially settled and you dare to blame girls?? And, how the fuck do you say that rich guys are by default characterless and poor guys are noble? Concluded so after watching Telugu dubbed shitty Tamil movies Romeo Juliet and Remo is it?

3. Yes, the system is to blame so change the system instead of blaming girls. Promote job going for girls. Don't accept proposals of girls under the age of 25. Tell parents not to save gold and money for your sister's wedding but for her education/work skills acquiring. Marry out of caste. Know that marrying divorced/older women is an option. Ask for working women to marry and don't stop women from working after marriage. Don't frown upon dating and separate living. Pay for your own wedding –split the bills. Convince parents that they should save up for their old age use and not to hold extravagant weddings for daughters. Don't do gender preferences in any way. Yes, men are not money making machines. Know that financial independence is human dignity. We all will be better off when we realise that and release ourselves from the system!

Indian guys, don’t complain and cry foul of self improvement material wise and don’t do it just to find a wife – do it for yourself. Many Indian girls are fighting for their right to study and earn. Why are the guys giving up on both? Instead of making dad’s little princess memes, make memes encouraging everyone’s personal betterment, especially women earning and studying.

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